CBSE Practical Exam 2022-23 Circular Notification Released for All School 2023 Board Exam Class 12

CBSE Practical Exam 2022-23 Circular Notification Released for All School 2023 Board Exam Class 12

CBSE Practical Exam 2022-23 Circular Notification Released for All School 2023 Board Exam Class 12

CBSE Practical Exam 2022-23 Circular Notification Released for All School 2023 Board Exam Class 12

Preparation for Practical Examinations/Internal Assessments Project for class X/XII, 2022-23.

The Annual Practical Examinations Internal Assessments/Project Assessments for session 2022-23 are scheduled to start w.e.f. 1 January 2023.

All the stake holders are requested to take the following necessary actions to ensure timely completion of Practical Examinations/Internal Assessments/Project Assessments.

ACTION BY SCHOOLS (CBSE Practical Exam 2022-23)

The schools will ensure that the syllabus for Practical Examinations is completed
well in time.

14. The schools will ensure that necessary arrangements like preparation and stocking of laboratories and identification of Internal Examiners have been done well in time.

15. The schools will ensure that all the students and parents have been informed about the date-sheet of Practical Examinations for needful action at their end.

The list of candidates (LOC) who will be appearing for the practical examinations from the school is to be checked from online system and it is to be ensured that the correct subjects and category of students (i.e., regular/compartment/ improvement) is reflected in the online system.

ACTION BY STUDENTS (Practical Exam 2022-23)

The students/Parents must ensure that their subjects of studies are being reflected correctly in the list of candidates submitted by the schools.

It may be ensured that sufficient number of practical answer books have been received in the schools before the date of actual conduct of practical examinations.

In case any shortcoming is observed in respect of any of the above points the concerned Regional Office may be contacted.

Practical Examinations for Class-XII will be conducted only by the external examiners appointed by the Board.

The students/parents should be aware of the syllabus and the subjects in which practical examinations are to be conducted.

The students should appear in the practical examinations as per schedule as no second chance to appear in the practical exams will be provided by the Board.

In ca of any problem or query in respect of any of the above points, the concerned student shall contact their school.

The Regional Offices should ensure that the guidelines for conduct of Practical Examinations are shared with the schools as soon as released by CBSE Hqrs.

Practical Exam 2022-23 Class 12

The Regional Offices should ensure that the Practical Examinations are completed cbse by all the schools within the notified schedule and marks are also uploaded.

The Regional Offices should ensure that external examiners are appointed in all the schools before commencement of Practical examinations in class and subjects wherever applicable.

The Regional Offices shall ensure that Practical Answer Books are delivered to the school before commencement of Practical Examinations.

CBSE Practical Exam 2022-23

Class 12 Practical Exam 2022-23 CBSE

Practical Exam 2023 CBSE Class 12

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