CBSE LOC 2022-23 Submission for Class 10 & 12th Started, Login, Registration 2023
CBSE loc 2022-23, CBSE Submission of List of Candidates (LOC) for Class 10 & 12th Exam 2022-2023 Started. Login and registration for loc 2022-23.
Submission of List of Candidates (LOC) for Class X/XII Examination, 2022-23
Submission of List of Candidates (LOC) for Class X and XII is the most important activities towards preparation for the Board’s Examinations every year.
For the session 2022-23 the activity of submission of data of eligible candidates through LOC is being started available from 16th June, 2022.
CBSE loc
CBSE loc 2022-23
CBSE loc login
CBSE loc registration 2022-23
CBSE loc login 2022-23
CBSE loc 2022-23
Submission of LOC shall be done through e-Pariksha link given in CBSE website
As submission of the LOC as per schedule is very important the schools are therefore requested to plan timely submission of data of the candidates. It will also have to be ensured that the filled-in data is correct.
Following actions are to be taken for registration of students in the List of Candidates: –
1. There are various details/information in list of candidates, without understanding which, schools will not be able to fill-in the LOC correctly. It is therefore requested that a meeting be convened by the principal with the persons/ teachers assigned the responsibility to complete the LOC in which this circular be discussed in details and after proper understanding, LOC be filled.
2. Only those students shall be allowed to appear for Class X and XII Board’s Examinations in session 2022-23, whose names would be submitted through the online process of submission of LOC explained in this circular.
3. Principals/Schools should ensure that: –
(a) Students sponsored are their own regular and bonafide students only.
(b) No bonafide students’ name is left unsponsored.
(C) Students are not from any unauthorised/unaffiliated schools.
(d) Students are regularly attending classes in your school.
(e) Students are not registered with any other School Education Board in addition to CBSE.
The students are eligible for appearing in Board’s Examinations for classes X and XII as per provisions of Examination Bye laws.
(g) In case of students of Class-XII, it may be specifically ensured that the students have passed their Class-X examination from a recognized School Education Board only.
In this context your attention is invited to provisions of para 14.2 of the Affiliation by laws-2018, which are as follows:-
“It is mandatory for every affiliated school to follow the Examination Bye-laws of the Board mutatis mutandis.
14.2.1 Every affiliated school shall present a list of number of students and their particulars in respect of Classes IX, X, XI & XII at the time of beginning of an academic session in the manner prescribed by the board.
14.2.2.No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are not on its rolls.
14.2.3 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are enrolled in an unaffiliated School/Branch.
14.2.4 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are on its roll but have not attended the school regularly or do not meet the
requirement of minimum attendance for appearance in the Board’s examination.
14.2.5 Every affiliated school shall sponsor regularly its bonafide and eligible students in Boards Class X and Class XII examinations from the year mentioned while granting affiliation/upgradation regularly without break or inform with reasons thereof in writing well in time about the non-sponsoring of the candidates.
14.2.6 The school affiliated to the Board shall not send candidates for examination of any other Board/University. It shall prepare candidates for the Secondary and Senior Secondary examinations of the CBSE only.”
4. All schools need to ensure that byelaws/rules of the CBSE are being followed in letter and spirit for submission of List of Candidates, availability of class rooms and the teachers.
In a section 40 students are allowed and teachers pupil ration is 1:30. Further, number of sections cannot exceed the number of sections permitted by the Board.
5. All CBSE affiliated schools are required to register themselves before proceeding for online submission. Schools must use the ‘Affiliation Number’ as user ID, already available with them.
6. Newly affiliated schools should contact the concerned Regional Office of the CBSE for obtaining password, in case they have not received their password or instructions regarding it. After receiving the password, schools are advised to change the password
for future use and keep it confidential to avoid misuse. Maintaining the safety of the password shall be the sole responsibility of the schools.
7. The Board is extending several exemptions/concessions to candidates with disabilities
as defined in the “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016”. In this context the schools may refer
the communications available on Circular/2019/5 CIRCULAR.pdf
to link. The category of CWSN students shall be carefully selected and submitted in the LOC to ensure that applicable relaxations during the conduct of examinations can be provided to these students in an automated manner.
8. Before proceeding for submission of LOC, existing schools shall have to update the data on
OASIS & HPE Portal.
9. Only those TGTS/PGTS who are teaching Classes IX-X/XI-XII respectively should be shown as TGT/PGT to ensure appointment of eligible evaluators for quality evaluation. Accordingly, in OASIS, classes taught need to be clearly filled-in by the schools. The names of th teachers who have left the school shall be deleted from the data. Simultaneously the names of teachers whose names are not figuring in the existing data shall be included.
10. It may be ensured that the full names of all the teachers shall be filled in the OASIS.
Abbreviations should not be used. If abbreviations are given, it will be treated that wrong data of teachers has been provided by the schools. No salutations etc. shall be prefixed with the names.
Complete rules to fill LOC 2022-23 for CBSE Board Exam 2023 for class 10 and 12, you can see below given PDF.
PDF Notification for LOC 2022-23 Download for CBSE Exam 2023

CBSE loc registration work has been started from 16 June 2022.
School can login using their school is and password and can start work of LOC 2022-23.
FAQs regarding LOC 2022-23
If you have any questions than you can ask in below given comment box.
While doing LOC if by mistakenly we deleted any regular student’s name how we can get it back? Kindly suggest
Kindly contact CBSE officials.
One option is given.