CBSE Class 11 Information Technology (IT) Book, Sample Paper, Syllabus Notes pdf Download 2022
There are 2 parts in the term 2 syllabus of IT class 11.
- Employability Skills – 5 marks
- Java programing fundamentals – 25 marks
In the employability skills you have 2 chapters.
- Enterprenurial Skills
- Green Skills
Chapter -1 Understand Integrated Development Environment (NETBEANS)
Learning Objectives
• Identify, name and state the usage of the different components of the
NetBeans IDE.
• Identify and name the various methods and properties associated with
the various form controls
Introduction in our day to day life, we have to give information innumerable times like fill up bank deposit slips
to deposit money or type in username and password to sign in to our mail account and many more.
Forms are means to accept data (input) from us and respond as soon as we perform an action like
clicking on a button or submitting the form. This chapter deals with teaching the basic process of
designing forms in Netbeans and using them to perform simple manipulations using Java.
NetBeans ID
NetBeans IDE is used to create java applications very easily using the efficient GUI builder.
It allows us to develop applications by dragging and positioning GUI components from a palette onto a container.
The GUI builder automatically takes care of the correct spacing and alignment of the
different components relative to each other. Let us go through the different components of the NetBeans IDE.