CBSE Class 12 Python MCQ based Sample Question Papers for CS and IP 2021-22
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to inform you all that we have uploaded 2 MCQ-based Sample Papers (Solved) strictly based on the CBSE Sample Question Paper for the Computer Science Class XII Term I examination (Code 083). The same can be accessed at Open Book
only for educators
Credit : Sultan Chand & Sons (P) Ltd
Not for sharing, students will buy book from market.

Good Evening!
I found this amazing pdf on Internet. and think to download it. I am Chirag Kumar, Computer Science Teacher at Shivalik Gurukul. Aliyaspur (Ambala). Respected Sir/Ma’am may I get the link to download it so that I can ask the questions from here to the students!
Chirag Kumar
Dear sir
This is online ebook provided by publisher, this is not available in pdf.