CBSE Syllabus 2022-23 Class 10 and Class 12

English Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2022-23 PDF Download

English Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2022-23 PDF Download

English Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2022-23 PDF Download



Section A Reading Skills

Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage 20 Marks

->One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation and Vocabulary and inference of meaning will also be assessed. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary. (10×1=10 Marks)

-> One unseen case-based passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts. (10×1=10 Marks)


Note: The combined word limit for both the passages will be 700-750 words. Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked.

Section B

  • Creative Writing Skills 20 Marks

The section has Short and Long writing tasks.

  1. Notice up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1 ).
  2. Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply up to 50 One out of the two given questions to be answered. (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
  • Letters based on verbal/visual input, to be answered in approximately 120-150 words. Letter types include application for a job with bio data or resume. Letters to the editor (giving suggestionsor opinion on issues of public interest) . One out of the two given questions to be answered . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).
  1. Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be answered in 120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be . (5 Marks: Format : 1 / Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

Section C

This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice Questions, Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions to assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation beyond the text.

IV. Reference to the Context 40 Marks

  1. One Poetry extract out of two from the book Flamingo to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis and (6×1=6 Marks)
  2. One Prose extract out of two from the book Vistas to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis and (4×1=4 Marks)
  • One prose extract out of two from the book Flamingo to assess comprehension, interpretation and (6×1=6Marks)
  1. Short answer type question (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo), to be answered in 40-50 Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. Five questions out of the six given are to be answered. (5×2=10 Marks)
  1. Short answer type question, from Prose (Vistas), to be answered in 40- 50 words. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. Any 2 out of 3 questions to be (2×2=4 Marks)
  • One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in 120-150 Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question will elicit analytical and evaluative response from student. Any 1 out of 2 questions to be done. (1×5=5 Marks)
  • One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas,to be answered in 120-150 words to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the Questions to provide evaluative and analytical responses using incidents, events, themes as reference points. Any 1 out of 2 questions to be done. (1×5=5 Marks)

Prescribed Books


  1. Flamingo: English Reader published by National Council of Education Research andTraining, New Delhi


  • The Last Lesson
  • Lost Spring
  • Deep Water
  • The Rattrap
  • Indigo
  • Poets and Pancakes
  • The Interview
  • Going Places


  • My Mother at Sixty-Six
  • Keeping Quiet
  • A Thing of Beauty
  • A Roadside Stand
  • Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
  1. Vistas: Supplementary Reader published by National Council of Education Researchand Training, New Delhi
  • The Third Level
  • The Tiger King
  • Journey to the end of the Earth
  • The Enemy
  • On the Face of It
  • Memories of Childhood
    • The Cutting of My Long Hair
    • We Too are Human Beings

Question Paper Design 2022-23 Code No. 301

English CORE XII


Section Competencies Total marks
Reading Skills Conceptual understanding, decoding, Analyzing, inferring, interpreting,appreciating, literary, conventions and vocabulary, summarizing and using appropriate format/s.  



Creative Writing Sills Conceptual Understanding, application ofrules, Analysis, Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity.  



Literature Text Books and Supplementary Reading Texts Recalling, reasoning, critical thinking, appreciating literary convention, inference, analysis, creativity with fluency.  








Assessment ofListening andSpeaking Skills  


Internal Assessment

· Listening

· Speaking

· Project Work







Annexure I

Guidelines for Internal Assessment Classes XI-XII

ALS must be seen as an integrated component of all four language skills rather than a compartment of two. Suggested activities, therefore, take into consideration an integration of the four language skills but during assessment, emphasis will be given to speaking and listening, since reading and writing are already being assessed in the written exam.

Classes XI-XII Total Marks: 20

Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills: (5+5=10 Marks)

  1. Activities:
    • Subject teachers must refer to books prescribed in the syllabus.
    • In addition to the above, teachers may plan their own activities and create their own material for assessing the listening and speaking
  2. Parameters for Assessment: The listening and speaking skills are to be assessed on the following parameters:
  3. Interactive competence (Initiation & turn taking, relevance to the topic)
  4. Fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery)
  5. Pronunciation
Interaction 1.

· Contributions are mainly unrelated to those of other speakers

· Shows hardly any initiative in the development of conversation

· Very limited interaction


· Contributions are often unrelated to those of the other speaker

· Generally passive in the development of conversation


· Develops interaction adequately, makes however minimal effort to initiate conversation

· Needs constant

prompting to take turns


· Interaction is adequately initiated

and develop

· Can take turn but needs little prompting


· Can initiate & logically develop simple conversation on familiar topics

· Can take turns appropriately

Pronunciation · Insufficient accuracy in pronunciation; many grammatical errors

· Communication is severely affected

· Frequently unintelligible articulation

· Frequent phonological errors

· Major communication problems

· Largely correct pronunciation & clear articulation except occasional errors

· Some expressions cause stress without compromising with understanding

of spoken discourse.

· Mostly correct pronunciation & clear articulation

· Can be clearly understood most of the time; very few phonological errors

· Can pronounce correctly & articulate clearly

· Is always comprehensible

; uses appropriate intonation

  • Language (grammar and vocabulary) A suggestive rubric is given below:
Fluency & Coherence 1.

· Noticeably/ long pauses; rate of Speech is slow

· Frequent repetition and/or self- correction

· Links only basic sentences; breakdown of coherence evident


· Usually fluent; produces simple speech fluently, but loses coherence in complex communication

· Often hesitates and/or resorts to slow speech

· Topics partly developed; not always concluded logically


· Is willing to speak at length, however repetition is noticeable

· Hesitates and/or self corrects; occasionally loses coherence

· Topics mainly developed, but usually not logically



· Speaks without noticeable effort, with a little repetition

· Demonstrates hesitation to find words or use correct grammatical structures and/or self- correction

· Topics not fully developed to merit


· Speaks fluently almost with no repetition & minimal hesitation

· Develops topic fully & coherently

Vocabulary &


· Demonstrates almost no flexibility, and mostly struggles for appropriate words

· Uses very basic vocabulary to express view- points.

· Communicates with limited flexibility and appropriacy on some of the topics

· Complex forms and sentence structures are rare; exhibits limited vocabulary to express new ideas

· Communicate s with limited flexibility

and appropriacy on most of the topics

· Sometimes uses complex forms and sentence structures; has limited vocabulary to describe/

express new points

· Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on most of the topics

· Demonstrates ability to use complex forms and sentence structures most of the time; expresses with adequate vocabulary

· Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on a variety of topics such as family, hobbies, work,

travel and current events

· Frequently uses complex forms and sentence structures; has enough vocabulary to express himself/


  • Schedule:
  • The practice of listening and speaking skills should be done throughout the academic
  • The final assessment of the skills is to be done as per the convenience and schedule of the

Project Work + Viva: 10 Marks

Out of ten marks, 5 marks will be allotted for the project report/script /essay etc. and 5 marks for the viva.

  1. Schedule:
  • Schools may refer to the suggestive timeline given in these guidelines for the planning, preparation and viva-voce of ALS based
  • The final assessment of the skills may be done on the basis of parameters suggested by the Board. Language teachers, however, have the option to adopt/ modify these parameters according to their school specific
  1. Suggestions for Project Work:
  • The Project can be inter-disciplinary in theme. The ideas/issues highlighted in the chapters/ poems/ drama given the prescribed books can also be developed in the form of a project. Students can also take up any relevant and age-appropriate theme.
  • Such topics may be taken up that provide students with opportunities for listening and Some suggestions are as follows:
  1. Interview-Based research:


  • Students can choose a topic on which to do their research/ interview, e.g. a student can choose the topic : “ Evolving food tastes in my neighbourhood” or “Corona pandemic and the fallout on families.” Read the available
  • The student then conducts interviews with a few neighbours on the topic. For an interview, with the help of the teacher, student will frame questions based on the preliminary research/background.
  • The student will then write an essay/ write up / report up to 1000 words on his/her research and submit it. He/ She will then take a viva on the research project. The project can be done in individually or in pairs/ groups
  1. Listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or TV documentary on a topic and prepare a report countering or agreeing with the Write an 800 – 1000 words report and submit. Take a viva on the report.
  2. Students create their own video/ Audio, after writing a script. Before they decide a format, the following elements can be taken into consideration:
  • Theme/topic of the audio / Would the child like to pick a current issue or something artistic like theatre?
  • What are the elements that need to be part of the script?
  • Will the video/audio have an interview with one or more guests?
  • Would they prefer to improvise while chatting with guests, or work from a script?
  • What would be the duration?
  • How would they present the script/report to the teacher, g. Can it be in the form of a narrative?
  1. Write, direct and present a theatrical production, /One act play

This will be a project which will be done as a team. It will involve planning, preparation and presentation. In short, various language skills will be utilised. There will be researching, discussion, writing the script, auditioning and ultimately producing the play. The project will end with a presentation and subsequently a viva. Teachers will be able to assess the core language skills of the students and help them grow as 21st century critical thinkers.

  • Instructions for the Teachers:-


  1. Properly orient students about the Project work, as per the present
  2. Facilitate the students in the selection of theme and
  3. Create a rubric for assessment and share with the students before they start so that they know the parameters of assessment:
    • Teachers need to familiarize themselves with the method of assessing students with the rubric— a table with different criteria and a grading
    • Choose the criteria on which you will grade students and list them along the left side of the
    • Create an even number of columns along the top of the These columns will represent potential skill levels of the students.
    • Assessing students on four/five criteria is an easy way to For each criterion, define the ability that a student would exhibit at each of the levels.
  • The more detailed you make your criteria, the easier it will be to evaluate each student and define the level at which the student is presenting.

{Sample Rubric is attached at the end for reference}

  1. Parameters for Overall Assessment:-
    1. Pronunciation:
  • When evaluating the pronunciation of the students, teachers must listen for clearly articulated words, pronunciation of unusual spellings and
  • Assess the students for the pronunciation skills and determine at which level the student needs
  1. Vocabulary:
  • After noting their pronunciation levels, evaluate the students on the use of extensive and appropriate vocabulary

during the viva. Check if students are using vocabulary appropriate to the context about which they are speaking.

  1. Accuracy:
  • Grammar has always been an important component of language skills. As students speak/ answer the questions during the viva, listen to their grammatical structures. Are they competent enough to use multiple tenses? Is their word order correct in a given sentence? An effective speaker will automatically use the correct grammatical structures of his language.
  1. Communication:
  • Assessing the communication skills of the students means looking at more than language. Look at how creatively students use the language to make their points Students with a low level of vocabulary and grammar may still have good communication skills if they are able to make the teacher understand their point of view.
  1. Interaction:
  • During the viva teachers need to ask the students some questions. Questions need to be based on the projects that have been suggested or chosen by the
  • It is imperative for a teacher to read the essays/project reports before they can be ready to ask
  • Teachers need to observe how students answer the questions that are posed to them: Are they able to understand and answer questions independently or can they answer only when the questions are translated into simpler words or repeated? Are they able to give appropriate responses in a conversation?
  • These elements of interaction are necessary for clear and effective A student with effective interaction skills will be able to answer questions with relative ease and follow the flow of conversation.
  1. Fluency:
  • Fluency may be the easiest quality to judge in the students’ speech: How comfortable are they as they speak and express themselves? How easily do the words come out? Are there inappropriate pauses and gaps in the way a student speaks?
  • Fluency is a judgement of this communication and is an important criterion when evaluating speaking skills. These criteria: pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy, interaction and fluency are all the hallmarks of a student’s overall speaking
  • Teachers must also remember that some students may excel in one area and struggle in another. Helping the students understand these issues will enable them to become effective speakers in Let your students know that you will be assessing them in these various areas when you evaluate their progress and encourage them to work and improve in these areas.
  • Finally, teachers must remember that a proper evaluation of the students will take into consideration more than just one oral interview on the final ASL Teachers must take note of a student’s progress throughout the academic year.
  1. Project-Portfolio/ Project Report

The Project-Portfolio/Project Report is a compilation of the work that the students produce during the process of working on their ALS Project.

The Project-Portfolio may include the following:

  • Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of
  • Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
  • Certificate of completion under the guidance of the
  • Action plan for the completion of assigned
  • Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interview, written assignments, essays, survey-reports and other material evidence of learning progress and academic
  • The 800-1000 words essay/Script/Report.
  • Student/group
  • If possible, Photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the student(s).
  • List of resources/bibliography.

The following points must be kept for consideration while assessing the project portfolios:

  • Quality of content of the project
  • Accuracy of information
  • Adherence to the specified timeline
  • Content in respect of (spellings, grammar ,punctuation)
  • Clarity of thoughts and ideas
  • Creativity
  • Contributions by group members
  • Knowledge and experience gained
  1. Suggestive Timeline:

The FIVE Steps in Project Plan


Month Objectives
Planning and Research for the Project Work


Preferably till November-December

● Teachers plan a day to orient students about the ALS projects, details are shared with all stakeholders.

● Students choose a project, select team members and develop project- plan.

● Group meets (preferably online) and reports to the team leader about the progress: shortfalls and successes are detailed.

● Team leader apprises teacher-mentor.

● Students working individually or in pairs also update the teachers.

● A logical, deliverable and practical plan is drafted by the team/ pair/individual. Goals/objectives are clearly defined for all.

● Work is delegated to team members by the team leader. Students wishing to work alone develop their own plan of Action.

● Detailed project schedules are shared with the teacher.

December- January ● Suggestions and improvements are shared by the teacher, wherever necessary.

● Group members coordinate and keep communication channels open for interaction.

● Gaps ( if any) are filled with the right skill sets by the Team Leader/ individual student.

● The final draft of the project portfolio/ report is prepared and submitted for evaluation.
January-February ● Students are assessed on their group/pair/individual presentations on allotted days. Final Viva is conducted by the External/Internal examiner.
February-March or

as per the timelines given by the Board

● Marks are uploaded on the CBSE website.

(For Theatre/Role Play/Oral presentation/Interview/Podcast)

CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5
TIME LIMIT Presentation is less than or more than 5 minutes long Presentation exceeded or less than specified time limit by 4 to 5 minutes Presentation exceeded or less than specified time limit by 3 to 4 minutes Presentation exceeded or less than specified time limit by 2 to 3 minutes Student/ group adhered to the given time limit
CONTENT/SCRIPT/ QUESTIONNAIRE Script is not related to topic or issue Well written script/ content shows little understanding of parts of topic Well written script/ content shows good understanding of parts of topic Well written script/ content shows a good understanding of subject topic Well written

script/ content

shows full understanding of subject topic

CREATIVITY No props/costumes/ stage presentation lack- lustre Some work done, average stage

set- up and costumes

Well organized presentation, could have improved Logical use of props ,reasonable work done, creative Suitable props / honest effort seen/ considerable work done/

creative and relevant costumes

PREPAREDNESS Student /group seems to be unprepared Some preparedness visible, but

rehearsal is lacking

Somewhat prepared, rehearsal is lacking Good preparedness ,but need better rehearsal Complete preparedness/ rehearsed presentation
CLARITY OF SPEECH Lack of clarity in presentation many words mispronounced Speaks clearly, some words are mispronounced Speaks clearly 90% of the time/ a few mispronounced words Speaks clearly and distinctly 95% of time/ few mispronounced words Speaks clearly distinctly 95% of time/ fluency in pronunciation

( Theatre/Role Play)

Only 1/no relevant props used 1 to 2 relevant props used 2 to 3 relevant props used 3 to 4 relevant props used 4 to 5 relevant props used
EXPRESSION/ BODY LANGUAGE Very little use of facial expressions/ body language, does not generate much interest Little Use of facial expressions and body language Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate some enthusiasm Facial expression and body

language sometimes generate strong enthusiasm with the topic

Facial expression and body

language generate strong enthusiasm with the topic

PORTFOLIO- PRESENTATION Inadequate & unimpressive Somewhat suitable & convincing Adequate & relevant Interesting, enjoyable & relevant Brilliant, creative & exceptional

English Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2022-23 PDF Download (Eng-Core)

English Syllabus Class 12 CBSE 2022-23 PDF Download-Elective

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