English Pedagogy Meaning Definition in CBSE School Education 2022

English Pedagogy Meaning Definition in CBSE School Education 2022

English pedagogy Meaning in Hindi & English definition in CBSE School Education 2022.


Pedagogy comprises the activities that result in measurable changes in the learning of students.
CBSE highlights the following points regarding pedagogical practices:

• Pedagogical practices should be child-centric leading to their autonomy in learning. They should connect the curricular knowledge in school to wider real-world contexts to make it meaningful to children.

• Pedagogy should dissuade rote learning by the passive acquisition of facts. It should, rather, focus on constructive, experiential, cooperative and collaborative learning involving the active participation of children. It should follow the adage ‘Teach the child not the subject as facts will be soon outdated’.

• Pedagogy should be flexible to address the need of all learners (including special children) and make them reflect on their learning. It should consider the capacities and voices of children and let them explore learning from their perspective.

• Pedagogy should enable children to find answers to critical questions like ‘What does it mean to understand a particular concept?’, ‘Does my teacher listen to me?’ Role-plays and photographs and similar methods may be used to help children discuss their answers.

• Pedagogy should promote multisensory learning to make learning more joyful, effective and suited to different learning styles of learners. The use of educational technology and ICT technology may be incorporated to make learning more engaging and effective.

• Pedagogy should be multidisciplinary as far as possible. Sports and Arts should be integrated with learning outcomes in other subjects. Multiple and divergent exposures should be provided to students to enrich their understanding.

• Pedagogy, in addition to the functional perspective of education, must also cater to the transformative needs of society. Keeping this is mind, learning should be based on Life Skills, Values should be inculcated using critical and creative thinking which will enhance their ability to work as a member of a team and also to work independently, etc.

• Schools should chart their annual pedagogical plans on the above principles as pedagogical leaders should keep the collective focus of the teachers and students on holistic child development and ensure its achievement through active pedagogical plans by leading and guiding the schools throughout the academic year.


• List of Manuals

• NCF Document 2005


English Pedagogy Meaning Definition in CBSE School

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