CBSE Updates to Calculation of Percentage of Class 10th & 12th 2023-24

Now CBSE has announced new rules for CALCULATION OF PERCENTAGE OF CLASS 10th and 12th (X & XII). The CBSE is receiving requests from various person to intimate the criteria for calculating the percentage of the students in the Board’s examinations.

In this regard, it is informed that the sub-section 40.1 (iii) of Chapter-7 of the Examination Bye-Laws stipulates that :-

No overall division/distinction/aggregate shall be awarded. Also, if a candidate has offered more than 5 subjects, the decision to determine the best 5 subjects may be taken by the admitting institution or employer.

Further, it is informed that the Board does not calculate/declare/inform percentage of
marks. If the percentage of marks is required for higher education or in employment the calculation if any, may be done by admitting institution or employer.

CBSE official notice for board exam calculation of percentage

CBSE rules to calculation of percentage for board class

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