CBSE Registration 2022-23 of Class 9th & 10th Students Process, Fees, Circular, Notification
Submission of Registration Data of Candidates for Class IX/XI, 2022-23.
Registration of students in Class IX & XI is a very significant process which helps CBSE in advance planning for holding the Class X & XII examinations of these students in the forthcoming year.
Another important aspect of registration is to communicate the students’ personal particulars to the parents so that in case, there is any mistake in the personal details of the student concerned the same may be corrected prior to the conduct of Class X/XII examination.
This helps in eliminating requests in future for making the corrections. The process of Registration shall start as per schedule given in Annexure-A.
The registration of candidates will be done through Pariksha Sangam link given in CBSE website
As submission of the Registration Data by adhering to the schedule is very important, the schools are therefore requested to plan timely submission of data of the candidates.
Apart from following the schedule, it is also important that the data filled-in is absolutely correct.
Actions as given below are to be taken for registration of students on the Registration
There are several important information without understanding which schools will not be able to fill-in the registration correctly.
It is therefore requested that a meeting be convened by the principal with the persons/ teachers assigned the responsibility to complete the registration.
In this meeting, this circular be discussed in details and after proper understanding of instructions, registration data be submitted.
Only those students shall be allowed to appear for Class X and XII Board’s Examinations in session 2023-24, whose names would be submitted through the online process of submission of registration data explained in this circular.
Principals/Schools should ensure that: –
(a) Students sponsored are their own regular and bonafide students only.
(b) No bonafide students’ name is left unregistered.
(c) Students are not from any unauthorised/unaffiliated schools.
(d) Students are regularly attending classes in your school.
(e) Students are not registered with any other School Education Board in addition to CBSE.
(f) Students are eligible for admission in Classes IX & XI and appearing in Class X and XII Board’s Examinations as per provisions of Examination Bye Laws.

CBSE Registration Notification Circular PDF Download
CBSE Registration 2022-23 Class 9 and 10
- CBSE Registration 2022 23
- Registration 2022-23 of Class 9 and 11
- CBSE Registration 2022 Circular, fees
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