CBSE Private Candidate Form 2023-24 for Class 10 and 12

CBSE Private Candidate Form 2023-24

CBSE official just released pdf notification for privated candidate form, last date, fees and process for session 2023-24 or board exam 2024. In this post you will know about the process for CBSE private candidate.




The Central Board of Secondary Education will hold the examinations for the following categories of private students in the months of February/March/April — 2024 alongwith the Boards Examinations 2024:

S. N.Category
Students of the session 2022-23 who have been declared ESSENTIAL REPEAT in the result of the 2023 examination.
Students of the session 2022-23 who have been placed in COMPARTMENT in Board’s Main Examinations 2023 if not declared Pass in the 1st chance.
Students of the session 2022-23 who have been placed in COMPARTMENT in 1s’ chance Compartment Examination-2023.
Students who have been declared FAIL/ESSENTIAL REPEAT in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022.
Passed out students of 2023 who wish to appear for Improving their Performance in one or more subjects
Passed out students of 2022 and 2023 who wish to appear in an Additional Subject
Female Students who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT of Delhi). This scheme is available only for examination 2024. Thereafter, this scheme will be discontinued.
Candidates With Special Needs who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT of Delhi) on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty attending normal institutions. This scheme is available only for examination 2024. Thereafter, this scheme will be discontinued.

Accordingly, the online submission of forms by the students placed in the above
categories for the examination to be held in 2024 will be starting from 12 September 2023.

The students shall apply through the “citaid41c1 Q&-IT?” link available on the CBSE website. 

s.0rrwla4ra .4 xr,“RR112. \E-IITIINch  aid WR. RA1-110092“SHIKSHA KENDRA” 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE, PREET VIHAR, DELHI-110092

All may note that the examination for these categories of students will be conducted on the basis of the syllabus available on the link 

Parent(s)/Candidate(s) are advised to go through the following annexures carefully before applying:

  1. Eligibility criteria — Annexure
  2. General Information — Annexure 2
  3. Detailed instructions for submitting an online application and uploading photographAnnexure 3
  4. Fee schedule — Annexure 4
  5. List of subjects — Annexure 5
  6. Exemptions/concessions for Children with Special Needs (CwSN) students have been circulated vide circular dated 12/04/2019 and are available in the link- CIRCULAR.pdf

  1. Jurisdiction and Contact Numbers of Regional Offices are available in the link –

Features of the Online system of registration are:

  1. All forms and fees will only be accepted in online mode strictly as per the schedules given hereunder.
  2. No application shall be accepted in offline mode.
  3. No application shall be accepted after the last date on any ground.
  4. No application shall be accepted without fee.
  5. Fees for all activities will be accepted only through online payment mode i.e.. Net Banking/Debit/Credit Card (both National/ International).
  6. No fee shall be accepted in offline mode i.e., DD/ Postal Order /Money order/ cheque etc.
  7. Board is extending several exemptions/concessions to students with disabilities as defined in the RPWD ACT-2016. These exemptions/concessions have been circulated vide circular dated 12/04/2019. The circular is available in the link: CIRCULAR.pdf

  1. For seeking exemptions/concessions. students will be required to upload a copy of the Medical Certificate (Disability Certificate).
  2. While submitting an application form. details in respect of students who have appeared in the Board’s Examinations 2023 will be auto-generated in the online system and will be visible to the applicants.

1) Students of 2022 and before will need to submit their details like Roll No. and Year of Passing etc. in the online application/portal. This information should be fully correct. Wrong information will lead to rejection of the application form.

k) If a candidate makes wrong entries in his/her application form or gives a false statement or produces a false document, his/her form shall be rejected, the fee paid shall be forfeited and such candidates shall be considered to have used unfair practices and will be dealt with accordingly.

I) The examination centre will be allotted as per the choice of the city selected in the online form.

  1. It has been observed that some candidates complete the online entry of the application but do not remit the fee. If the fee is not remitted by the last date, his/her application will be rejected without any notice no request will be considered later on to accept their candidature.
  2. Candidates are advised to fill their forms themselves. No excuse that Cyber-cafe etc. has committed the mistake will be accepted and the application will be dealt with as per rules.
  3. Mere submission of the form and payment of the fee will not confer a right on the candidate to appear in the examination. His/her eligibility will depend upon the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions prescribed by the Board.

The submission of forms for examination has been made fully online. Accordingly, it is informed that a hard copy of the form is not required to be sent to CBSE. However, following is intimated:

1. Female students who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and have attained the age for appearing in Class X shall upload the copy of the Domicile Certificate issued by the appropriate authority when submitting online application form.

Children With Special Needs (CwSN) students who are a bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and have attained the age for appearing in Class X on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty attending normal institutions shall upload the copy of the Domicile Certificate alongwith the Disability certificate issued by the appropriate authority when submitting online application form.

For eligibility, last date, and late fee. please refer to annexures. For any queries, call at CBSE Helpline No. 1800-11-8002 between 9.30 AM- 5.30 PM on all working days.




FULL SUBJECTS(A) Students whose result has been declared as ESSENTIAL REPEAT at(5/6/7 SUBJECTS)the Secondary Examination (Class X) 2023.ORStudents whose result has been declared as FAIL/ESSENTIAL
REPEAT at the Secondary School Examination (Class X), in the years 2018, 2019, 2020. 2021 & 2022.ORStudents who had completed a regular course of studies and had been
allotted Roll No. for appearing at the Secondary Examination but could not appear for the Class X examination due to medical reasons except shortage of attendance at the Secondary Examination (Class X) 2023.OR Students who have been placed in Compartment in two subjects may opt for appearing in 5/6/7 subjects in which he/she had appeared in the Board’s Examinations 2023. SUCH CANDIDATE SHOULD SELECT HIS/HER CATEGORY AS ESSENTIAL REPEAT WHILE APPLYING ONLINE.ORChildren with Special Needs (CwSN) students who are bonafide
residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT of Delhi) on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty attending normal institutions in the subjects not involving practical training/examination. Medical certificate in this regard should be uploaded while submitting online application. Students applying under this category cannot take subjects involving practical componentThis scheme is available only for examination 2024. Thereafter, this scheme will be discontinued.ORFemale student/Women candidate who is a bonafide resident of the
National Capital Territory of Delhi and has attained the age for appearing in Class X: if she would have appeared through a school as a regular
candidate; OR one year after passing Class IX and two years after passing Class VIII as a regular candidate AND (iiii)satisfy the following additional conditions: -that she has privately pursued the prescribed course of
study under proper guidance; and that she is unable to join a Secondary School affiliatedto the Board or there are such other reasons compellingher to appear at the examination as a  private candidate. v)  Female stucientsANomen candidates applying under this category cannot take subjects involving practical components. However, they may opt for Home Science with Practical. 
(v)This scheme is available only for examination 2024.Thereafter, this scheme will be discontinued.
COMPARTMENTStudents whose result has been declared as COMPARTMENT in the Board’s Main and Supplementary Examinations 2023 can apply only in the subject(s) in which he/she has been placed in the Compartment. Such students should select his/her category as COMPARTMENT while applying online.
IMPROVEMENT OFPERFORMANCEOnly such students who have passed the examination of the Board in 2023 can apply to improve his/her performance in one or more subjects provided he/she should have appeared in the same subjects in the examination held in 2023.However, a student who has passed an examination of the Board under the Vocational Scheme may reappear for improvement of performance in the main examination in the succeeding year or the following year provided they have not pursued higher studies in the meantime.Students who have passed the Board’s Examination can apply for an Additional subject from the list of subjects enclosed, within two (02) years of passing the examination (students who have passed in 2022 or 2023 is eligible to apply). However, students cannot apply for a subject involving practical work. Students is allowed to take subjects having project component.
NOTE # 1Students applying for Improvement of Performance cannot apply for appearing in Additional Subject and vice-versa.
NOTE # 2Only those students who have been declared PASS can apply for Improvement of Performance or Additional Subjects subject to fulfilment of other conditions.


ONE APPLICATION FORMThe process of submission of application forms is online, therefore. the students can fill only one application form. In case the student has submitted one application he/she will not be allowed to apply again under any other category. The students may therefore select their category and other details carefully.
SYLLABUSStudents will be examined only in the Subjects and Syllabus as prescribed for the year of
examination. Candidates must go through the eligibility and pass criteria as well as the
currentcurriculumandschemeofstudiesavailableontheCBSEwebsitelink carefully before filling the form.
SUBJECTS WHICH HAVE LABORATORY PRACTICE INVOLVEDPrivate candidates cannot take subjects that involve laboratory practice, however, Women Private Students (Delhi only) can offer Home Science with Practical.Similarly, Candidates with visual impairment (Blindness) (Delhi only) have the option of offering any one of the codes of Music Subject i.e., 031 or 032 or 033 or 034 or 035 or 36.
CHOOSING SUBJECTSApplicants will be able to apply only for subjects that are auto-generated in the system.
CARE WHILE INDICATING THE SUBJECT CODE AGAINST LANGUAGESCare should be taken for indicating the subject code against languages as there is more than one type of course. For language, medium code is not required.
NEW ROLL NUMBERFresh (New) Roll Number will be allotted by the Board for the candidates appearing in 2024. In no case, the candidates will be allowed to appear with the previous year’s Roll Number.
EXAMINATION CENTREThe examination centre once allotted will be final and no request for a change of examination centre will be considered. The examination centre will be allotted by the Board based on the city choice filled in the examination form by the student.
CORRECT POSTAL ADDRESSThe applicant will be required to provide the correct postal address.
PAYMENT OF FEEPayment should be made from either your own account/debit/credit card or any of yourparent/sibling’s account/debit/credit card so that in the event of any refund, the same reaches you and no one else.
SIZE OF JPG FILES OF PHOTO AND SIGNATUREApplicant needs to upload scanned jpg files of their photo and signature not exceeding 40 KB in size as per the procedure given in Annexure 3.
Original mark-sheet and certificate of the previous year’s examination are not to be surrendered to the CBSE.
Marksheet & Certificate for the 2024 examination will be issued after the declaration of result to all the candidates who will appear for the examination, 2024.
Candidates appearing for Improvement of Performance or for Additional Subject(s) will be issued a separate fresh Marksheet cum Certificate reflecting only the marks obtained in the said examination.
Consolidated marksheet & and certificate will be issued only to such candidates who will appear for 2nd chance Compartment and will pass in the said Compartment Examination in 2024. The consolidated marksheet & and certificate will contain marks obtained in the subjects passed in the previous examination held in Main/upplementany 2023 as well the marks obtained in the subject appeared for at the 2nd chance Compartment examination.
The board issues a mark sheet cum passing certificate indicating marks obtained in each subject separately. No aggregate score/percentage is mentioned by the Board. Candidates who take 6/7 subjects and pass in all 617 subjects, the percentage is to be calculated according to the norms of the college/institution in which the candidate is seeking admission.
12.ADMIT CARDS AND EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTSAdmit cards and educational documents will be obtained in the following manner:
For candidates who will be appearing in examinations from centres outside Delhi.
Admit CardEligible candidates will be able to download their Admit Card from the CBSE website
OriginalMarksheet& CertificateThe original Marksheet and certificate will be sent by the concerned Regional Office to the residential address given by the applicant in the application form, by Speed Post.
For candidates who will be appearing in examinations from centres in Delhi.
Admit CardEligible candidate will be able to download their Admit Card from the CBSE website
Original Marksheet & CertificateOriginal Marksheet and certificate will be sent by Regional Office, Delhi to the examination centre where the candidate had appeared for the examination. Candidate can collect the Marksheet and certificate from the examination centre on production of original admit card. ;ne examination centre will retain the original document for one year from the month of declaration of the result and thereafter left-out documents will be returned to the Regional Office, Delhi East or Delhi West, as the case may be.


For students appearing under Category(ies) —
(A)Fail /Essential Repeat/ Compartment / Improvement of Performance
Details of Candidate’s Name, Father’s/Guardian’s name, Mother’s name etc. will be auto-generated in the online system in respect of those who have appeared in the Board’s examination held in 2023. Students of 2022 examination (or before) will need to fill in the details in the online application form.
Fill-in correct combination of your Roll number, School number, and Centre number (as given in your marksheet) of the Board Examination, wherever available.
In case the wrong details are filled, the application will not be processed and error message will be displayed.
The practical/internal assessment/project etc marks scored by the student will be carried forward or pro rata marks will be given or practical examination will be conducted again as per applicable provisions of bye-laws.
(B)For those appearing under Category(ies) — Fresh Female/Physically Handicapped (Delhi)
Subjects should be chosen as per the drop-down list.
Marks obtained in the Theory examination will be converted to be out of 100 Marks through computer programming in the subjects having an Internal Assessment component. The marks will be added in theory marks.
(C)For those appearing under Category — Additional Subject
Any one subject from the list of subjects in Annexure 5, which was not taken earlier
Marks obtained in the Theory examination will be converted to out of 100 Marks through computer programming in the subjects having an Internal Assessment component. Marks will be added in theory marks.



Photo should be in full colour and of high quality to avoid any visible pixels.

Photo must be taken in the last six (06) months.

Applicant needs to upload scanned jpg files of their photo and signature not exceeding 40 KB. Head should be positioned directly facing camera, centred and compose 80% of image.

Photo should capture from slightly above top of hair to middle of chest.

Have a natural expression – smiling is fine.

Subject (candidate) is in clear focus and distinguishable from the background

Solid colour backgrounds are best.

Eyes must be open and looking at the camera.

Glasses must not be tinted unless worn daily for medical purposes.

The individual’s full face must be clearly visible.





The Central Board of Secondary Education will hold the examinations for the following categories of private students in the months of February/March/April — 2024 along with the Board’s Main Examinations 2024:

S. N. Category

1.Students of the session 2022-23 who have been declared ESSENTIAL REPEAT in the result of the 2023 examination.

Students of the session 2022-23 who have been placed in COMPARTMENT in Board’s Main Examinations 2023 if not declared Pass after the 1st chance.

  1. Students of the session 2022-23 who have been placed in COMPARTMENT in 1st chance Compartment Exam 2023.
  2. Students who have been declared FAILJESSENTIAL REPEAT in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022
  3. Passed out students of 2023 who wish to appear for Improving their Performance in one or more subjects

Passed out students of 2022 and 2023 who wish to appear in an Additional Subject

7 Female Students who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT of Delhi) and have qualified Class X or an equivalent examination from any recognized Board in 2022 or earlier. This scheme is available only for examination 2024. Thereafter, this scheme will be discontinued.

8. Candidates With Special Needs who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT of Delhi) and have qualified Class X or an equivalent examination from any recognized Board in 2022 or earlier on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty attending normal institutions. This scheme is available only for examination 2024. Thereafter, this scheme will be discontinued.

Phone (off.) : 011-22509256-59, 22041807-08, Website:,

Accordingly, the online submission of forms by the students placed in the above categories for the xamination to be held in 2024 will be starting from 12 September 2023.

The students shall apply through the link available on the CBSE website. 

All may note that the examination for these categories of students will be conducted on the basis of the syllabus available on the link 

Parent(s)/Candidate(s) are advised to go through the following annexures carefully before applying:

  1. Eligibility criteria — Annexure 1
  2. General Information — Annexure 2
  3. Detailed instructions for submitting an online application and uploading a photo
    Annexure 3
  4. Fee schedule — Annexure 4
  5. List of subjects — Annexure 5
  6. Exemptions/concessions for Children With Snecial Needs (CwSNP students have been
    circulated vide circular dated 12/04/2019 and are available in the link: CIRCULAR.pdf

  1. Jurisdiction and Contact Numbers of Regional Offices are available in the link: 

Features of the Online system of registration are:

  1. All forms and fees will only be accepted in online mode strictly as per the schedules given
  2. No application shall be accepted in offline mode.
  3. No application shall be accepted after the last date on any ground.
  4. No application shall be accepted without fee.
  5. Fees for all activities will be accepted only through online payment mode i.e., Net
    Banking/Debit/Credit Card (both National/ International).
  6. No fee shall be accepted in offline mode i.e., DD/ Postal Order /Money order/ cheque etc.
  7. The board is extending several exemptions/concessions to students with disabilities as
    defined in the RPWD ACT-2016. These exemptions/concessions have been circulated vide circular dated 12/04/2019. The circular is available on the link: CIRCULAR.pdf

  1. For seeking exemptions/concessions, students will be required to upload a copy of the medical Certificate (Disability Certificate).
  2. While submitting an application form, details in respect of students who have appeared in
    the Board’s Examinations 2023 will be auto-generated in the online system and will be visible to the applicants.

J) Students of 2022 and before will need to submit their details like Roll No. and Year of Passing etc. in the online application/portal. This information should be fully correct. Wrong information will lead to rejection of the application form.

k) If a candidate makes wrong entries in his/her application form, gives a false statement, or produces a false document, his/her form shall be rejected. the fee paid shall be forfeited and such candidates shall be considered to have used unfair practices and will be dealt with accordingly.

I) The examination centre will be allotted as per the choice of the city filled in the online form.

  1. It has been observed that some candidates complete the online entry of the application but do not remit the fee. If the fee is not remitted by the last date, his/her application will be rejected without any notice.
  2. No excuse that Cyber-cafe etc. has committed the mistake will be accepted and the application will be dealt with as per the rules. Candidates are advised to fill their forms themselves.
  3. Mere submission of the form and payment of the fee will not confer a right on the candidate to appear in the examination. His/her eligibility will depend upon the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions prescribed by the Board.
  4. The submission of forms for examination has been made fully online. Accordingly, it is informed that a hard copy of the form is not required to be sent to CBSE. However, following is intimated:
  1. Female students who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and have qualified Class X or an equivalent examination from any recognized Board in 2022 or earlier snali upload the copy of the Domicile Certificate issued by the appropriate authority when submitting online application form.
  2. Children With Special Needs (CwSN) students who are a bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and have qualified Class X or an equivalent examination from any recognized Board in 2022 or earlier on producing reasonable evidence of having difficulty attending normal institutions shall upload the copy of the Domicile Certificate aiongwith the ijisability certificate issued by the appropriate authority when submitting online application form.

For eligibility, last date and late fee, please refer to annexures. For any queries. call at CBSE Helpline No. 1800-11-8002 between 9.30 AM- 5.30 PM on all working days.

(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj) Controller of Examinations



COMPARTMENTStudents whose result has been declared as COMPARTMENT in Board’s Main and Supplementary Examinations 2023 can apply only in the subject in which he/she has been placed in the Compartment. Such students should select his/her category as COMPARTMENT while applying online.
IMPROVEMENT OFPERFORMANCEOnly such students who have passed the examination of the Board in 2023 can apply for improving his/her performance in one or more subjects provided he/she should have appeared in the same subjects in the examination held in 2023.However, a student who has passed an examination of the Board under the Vocational Scheme may reappear for improvement of performance in the main examination in the succeeding year or the following year provided they have not pursued higher studies in the meantime.
ADDITIONAL SUBJECTStudents who have passed Board’s Examination can apply for an Additional subject from the list of subjects enclosed, within 02 years of passing the examination (students who have passed in 2022 or 2023 are eligible to apply). However, students cannot apply for a subject involving practical work. Students is allowed to take subjects having project component.
NOTE # 1Students applying for Improvement of Performance cannot apply for appearing in Additional Subject and vice-versa.
NOTE # 2Only those students who have been declared PASS can apply for Improvement of Performance or Additional Subjects subject to fulfilment of other conditions.


ONE APPLICATION FORMThe process of submission of application forms is online, therefore, the students can fill only one application form. In case the student has submitted one application he/she will not be allowed to apply again under any other category. The students may therefore select their category and other details carefully.
SYLLABUSStudents will be examined only in the Subjects and Syllabus as prescribed for the year of
examination. Candidates must go through the eligibility and pass criteria as well as the
currentcurriculumandschemeofstudiesavailableontheCBSEwebsitelink carefully before filling the form.
SUBJECTS WHICH HAVE LABORATORY PRACTICE INVOLVEDPrivate candidates cannot take subjects that have laboratory practice involved. However, Women Private Students (Delhi only) can offer Home Science with Practical.Similarly, Candidates with visual impairment (Blindness) (Delhi only) have the option of offering any one of the codes of Music Subject i.e., 031 or 032 or 033 or 034 or 035 or 36.
CHOOSING SUBJECTSApplicants will be able to apply only for subjects that are auto-generated in the system.
CARE WHILE INDICATING THE SUBJECT CODE AGAINST LANGUAGESCare should be taken for indicating the subject code against languages as there is more than one type of course. For language, medium code is not required.
NEW ROLL NUMBERA fresh (New) Roll Number will be allotted by the Board for the candidates appearing in the 2024 Examinations.In no case, the candidates will be allowed to appear with the previous year’s Roll Number.
EXAMINATION CENTREThe examination center once allotted will be final andno request for a change ofexamination centre will be considered. The examination centre will be allotted by the Board based on the city choice filled in the examination form by the student
CORRECT POSTAL ADDRESSThe applicant will be required to provide the correct postal address.
PAYMENT OF FEEPayment should be made from either your own account/debit/credit card or any of your parent/sibling’s account/debit/credit card so that in the event of any refund, the same reaches you and no one else.
SIZE OF JPG FILES OF PHOTO AND SIGNATUREApplicant needs to upload scanned jpg files of their photo and signature not exceeding 40 KB in size as per the procedure given in Annexure 3.
Original mark-sheet and certificate of the previous year’s examination are not to be surrendered to the CBSE.
Marksheet and certificate of 2024 examination will be issued after the declaration of result to all the candidates who will appear for the examination, 2024.
Candidates appearing for Improvement of Performance or for Additional Subject(s) will be issued a separate fresh Marksheet cum Certificate reflecting only the marks obtained in the said examination.
Consolidated marksheet & certificate will be issued only to such candidates who will appear for 2nd chance Compartment and will pass in the said Compartment Examination in 2024. The consolidated marksheet & certificate will contain marks obtained in the subjects passed in the previous examination held in Main/S’upplernprItnry 2023 as well as the marks obtained in the subject appeared for at the 2nd chance Compartment examination.
The board issues a mark sheet cum passing certificate indicating marks obtained in each subject separately. No aggregate score/percentage is mentioned by the Board. For candidates who take 6 subjects and pass all 6 subjects, the percentage is to be calculated according to the norms of the college/institution in which the candidate is seeking admission.
12.ADMIT CARDS AND EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTSAdmit cards and educational documents will be obtained in the following manner:
For candidates who will be appearing in examinations from centres outside Delhi
Admit CardEligible candidate will be able to download their Admit Card from the CBSE website
OriginalMarksheet& CertificateThe original Marksheet and certificate will be sent by the concerned Regional Office to the residential address given by the applicant in the application form by Speed Post.
For candidates who will be appearing in examinations from centres in Delhi
Admit CardEligible candidate will be able to download their Admit Card from the CBSE website
Original Marksheet & CertificateOriginal Marksheet and certificate will be sent by the Regional Office, Delhi to the examination centre where the candidate had appeared for the examination. Candidate can collect the Marksheet and certificate from the examination centre on production of original admit card. The examination centre will retain the original document for one year from the month of declaration of result and thereafter left-out documents will be returned to the Regional Office, Delhi East or Delhi West, as the case may be.


For students appearing under Category(ies) —
(A)Fail /Essential Repeat/ Compartment / Improvement of Performance
Details of Candidate’s Name, Father’s/Guardian’s name, Mother’s name etc. will be auto-generated in the online system in respect of those who have appeared in the Board’s examination held in 2023. Students of 2022 examination (or before) will need to fill in the details in the online application form.
Fill-in correct combination of your Roll number, School number and Centre number (as given in your marksheet) of Board Examination, wherever available.
In case wrong details are filled, the application will not be processed and error message will be displayed.
The practical/internal assessment/project etc marks scored by the student will be carried forward or pro rata marks will be given or practical examination will be conducted again as per applicable provisions of bye-laws.
(B)For those appearing under Category(ies) — Fresh Female/Physically Handicapped (Delhi)
Subjects should be chosen as per the drop-down list.
Marks obtained in Theory examination will be converted to be out of 100 Marks through computer programming in the subjects having Internal Assessment component. These marks will then be added in theory marks.
(C)For those appearing under Category — Additional Subject
Any one subject from the list of subjects in Annexure 5, which was not taken earlier
Marks obtained in Theory examination will be converted to be out of 100 Marks through computer programming in the subjects having Internal Assessment component. These marks will then be added in theory marks.



Photo should be in full colour and of high quality to avoid any visible pixels.

Photo must be taken in the last six (06) months.

Applicant needs to upload scanned jpg files of their photo and signature not exceeding 40 KB. Head should be positioned directly facing the camera, centered, and compose 80% of the image.

The photo should capture from slightly above the top of the hair to the middle of the chest. Have a natural expression – smiling is fine.

Subject (candidate) is in clear focus and distinguishable from the background

Solid colour backgrounds are best.

Eyes must be open and looking at the camera.

Glasses must not be tinted unless worn daily for medical purposes.

The individual’s full face must be clearly visible



Rs.1,500/-forRs. 5,000/- forRs. 10,000/- for 05
Examination fee05 subjects.05 subjects.subjects.12.09.2023 (Tuesday) to11.10.2023 (Wednesday)
Rs.300/- per subjectforeachextrasubjectRs. 1,000/- persubjectforeachextrasubjectRs.2000/-persubjectforeachextra subject
Examination fee for Compartment/ Additional/ImprovementRs.300/-persubjectRs,1000/- per subjectRs.2000/-persubject
Practical FeeRs.150/-foreach Practical/Project Work SubjectRs.150/-foreach Practical/ Project Work SubjectRs.350/-foreachPractical/Project Work Subject
With Late feeLate Fee of Rs. 2000/- per candidate in addition to the
normal fee prescribed above
12.10.2023 (Thursday) to19.10.2023 (Thursday)
LAST DATES WILL NOT BE EXTENDEDVisually impaired candidates are exempted from the Examination fee. However, if the form is submitted after the last date, the late fee will be applicable.`i, Since all the activities are online hence can be done on holidays also):- It may be noted that the last date for submission of the form and payment of thefee is the same.

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