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History xi xii syllabus 2021 cbse

CLASS XII (2021-22)

Theory Paper Max Marks: 80        Time: 3 Hours

Themes in Indian History Part-I(Units 1 – 4) 
Unit 1 The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Archaeology 
Unit 2: Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story
Unit 3: Social Histories: using the Mahabharata 
Unit 4: A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa 

Themes in Indian History Part-II (Units 5 – 9) 
Unit 5: Medieval Society through Travelers’ Accounts 
Unit 6: Religious Histories: The Bhakti-Sufi Tradition 
Unit7: New Architecture: Hampi 
Unit 8: Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i-Akbari 
Unit 9: The Mughal Court: Reconstructing Histories through Chronicles

Themes in Indian History Part-III (Units 10 – 15) 
Unit 10: Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports
Unit 11: Representations of 1857 
Unit 12: Colonialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports
Unit 13: Mahatma Gandhi through Contemporary Eyes 
Unit 14: Partition through Oral Sources 
Unit 15: The Making of the Constitution 

Map Work, Project work (Internal Assessment)

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