CBSE Class 12 I.T. (802) Communication Skills PDF Notes Download 2022

CBSE Class 12 I.T. Information Technology (802) Communication Skills PDF Notes Download 2022

CBSE Class 12 I.T. (802) Communication Skills PDF Notes Download 2022

What is communication? 

Communication is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules. 

*The following figure represents types of communication Learning objectives of Effective communication 

1. Development of Interpersonal Skills 

2. To express effectively with maximum efficiency 

Communication skills are beneficial in and out of the workplace. Having the ability to clearly communicate instructions, ideas and concepts can help you find success in any career. With practice, anyone can enhance their communication skills. 

One of the most critical skills in effective communication is Active listening. Developing this soft skill will help build and maintain relationships, solve problems, improve processes and retain information such as instructions, procedures and expectations. 

Why is active listening important in the workplace? 

Whether we are seeking a new job opportunity, striving to earn a promotion or working to improve in our current role, improving our active listening skills will help us succeed. Much like critical thinking and conflict resolution, this soft skill will help to improve our personality.. Here are several benefits of being an active listener:  It helps us build connections

 Active listening helps others feel comfortable sharing information with us. When we demonstrate our ability to sincerely listen to what others have to say, people will be more interested in communicating with us on a regular basis. This can help open up opportunities to collaborate with others, get work done quickly or start new projects. All of these things can help lead us to success in our career.  

It helps you build trust.

∙ When people know that they can speak freely with us without interruptions, judgment or unwelcome interjections, they’ll be more likely to confide in us. 

This is especially helpful when meeting a new customer or business contact with whom we want to develop a long-term working relationship.  

It helps you identify and solve problems.

∙ Actively listening to others will help you detect challenges and difficulties others are facing, or problems within projects. 

The more quickly you’re able to spot these issues , the sooner you can find a solution or create a plan to address it. 

Four Steps to Active Listening Active listening requires four discrete steps. 

CONTACT—connect with the participant who is contributing; eye contact, open posture, and non – verbal responses. 

ABSORB—take in all aspects of the spoken message, implicit and explicit and non – verbal clues. Do not judge or evaluate. 

REFLECTIVE FEEDBACK—mirror, reflect, or give feedback on what you have heard and why the contributor claims to be valid. 

CONFIRM—receive confirmation from the speaker that you heard the participant’s message accurately. If not, start the method over again from the beginning by having the speaker restate their view. Demonstrating Active Listening skills they just don’t understand me. Everything I like seems to go against their values, and they just won’t accept my feelings as being right for me. It’s not that they don’t love me, they do, but they just don’t accept me. 


The main focus here is to improve basic sentence composition skills. One can review the types of sentences and the functions of their component parts listed below. 

Simple, compound, and complex sentences 

a) Simple sentence A simple sentence is one independent clause that has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. There are some important requirements for a simple sentence:  Must have a subject and a verb.

∙ Must express a complete thought.∙  Must only have one clause.∙ Examples  I am out of paper for the printer.∙  Will you help me with the math homework?

b) Compound Sentence A compound sentence allows us to share a lot of information by combining two or more related thoughts into one sentence. It combines two independent clauses by using a conjunction like “and.” This creates sentences that are more useful than writing many sentences with separate thoughts. Example of Compound Sentences We use compound sentencesquite often. . 

Here are some examples: the independent clause is green, the second is purple, and the conjunctions are orange:1.I drove to the office, and then I walked to the cabin. 

c) Complex sentence – A complex sentence is a sentence that combines one independent clause with at least one dependent clause. Example  Although Rohan had some doubts, he found the courses very useful.∙ The above example is a complex sentence: it has a dependent clause (a subject ‘ Rohan’ and a verb ‘had’), followed by an independent clause (subject ‘he’ and a verb ‘found’) and forms a complete thought.  Computers have come a long way since they first came to the market.∙ This example begins with an independent clause (subject ‘computers’ and verb ‘have come’) that forms a complete thought, followed by a dependent clause (subject ‘they’ and a verb ‘came’). 

Phrases –

Phrases are a group of words that work together to communicate an element of speech. 

Types of phrases 

1.Noun Phrase A noun phrase is any noun or pronoun along with its modifiers. Example –  The school children∙  Yesterday’s newspaper

2. Verb Phrase A verb phrase is any number of verbs working together. Example  Had been sleeping∙  Will contact∙  May have written∙ 

3. Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase always starts with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun (and its modifiers) that is called the object of the preposition. Example  Through the wheat field(here the Preposition: through andObject of the preposition: the wheat field)∙ Some more examples of prepositional phrases:  During the year∙  Despite complaints∙ 

4. Verbal Phrases There are three types of verbal phrases: participial phrases, gerund phrases, and infinitive phrases. Each is explained below. 

a) Participial Phrase Participial phrases start with either a present or past participle. Here are some examples of each. Phrase with present participles:  Watching silently∙ Phrases with past participles:  Driven to succeed∙ 

b) Gerund Phrase A gerund phrase is a present participle (and its modifiers) that acts like a noun. It can take on a variety of jobs in the sentence. Here are a couple of examples:  Practicing helped a lot. (subject)∙  I love reading. (direct object)∙ 

c) Infinitive Phrase An infinitive phrase is a group of words that uses the infinitive and its modifiers: Example  To sing∙  To walk all that way∙ 

5. Appositive Phrase An appositive phrase is a phrase that renames an earlier noun or pronoun My best friend, Nick Palacio, loves scuba diving. We watched Sirius, the brightest star in the sky 

6. Absolute Phrase Absolute phrases are the trickiest to identify. These phrases are not closely connected to rest of the sentence; they don’t describe a specific word, but modify the whole sentence. They add extra information and are usually separated by commas (or dashes). 

Kinds of sentences –

In writing and speaking, there are four basic kinds of sentences:  

Declarative sentences∙ Interrogative sentences∙  Imperative sentences∙  Exclamatory sentences∙ 

a) A declarative sentence is the most basic type of sentence. Its purpose is to relay information, and it is punctuated with a period. For example: I walked home. 

b) Interrogative sentences interrogate, or ask questions. These are direct questions, and they are punctuated with a question mark. For example:  Why haven’t you completed your work?∙ 

c) Exclamatory sentences are like declarative sentences in that they make a statement instead of asking a question, but their main purpose is to express strong emotion. They are easily recognized because they end in an exclamation point instead of a period: For example  Wow,he just got an appraisal.

d) Imperative sentences do not simply state a fact but rather tell someone to do something. These can be in the form of friendly advice, basic instructions or more forceful commands. 

For example:  Turn left at the bridge.∙ Using different types of sentences to add variety to writing skill – E – mail writing Activity Students will learn the rules of writing e mails and will compose and send an e – mail. The main focus of this lesson will be on writing semi-formal e – mails.

Cbse information technology class 12 communication skills notes pdf download

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