CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2022-23 Science PDF Download

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2022-23 English PDF Download

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2022-23 English PDF Download





A Reading Skills (40 periods)
B Writing Skills with Grammar (40 periods)
C Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading Text

(50 periods)



Section A


Reading Skills


Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage 20 Marks

  • Discursive passage of 400-450 words. (10 marks)

  1. Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of 200-250 words.


(10 marks)


(Total length of two passages to be 600-700 words)


Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.


Section B
III Grammar 10 Marks
  • Tenses
  • Modals
  • Subject – verb concord
  • Reported speech
  • Commands and requests
  • Statements
o Questions
o Determiners



The courses at the secondary level seek to cement high professional grasp of grammatical items and levels of accuracy. Accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar in context will be assessed through Gap Filling/ Editing/Transformation exercises. Ten out of 12 questions will have to be attempted.


IV Creative Writing Skills 10 marks


This section will have short as well as long writing tasks including compositions.

  • Formal Letter based on a given situation in 100-120 words. One out of two questions is to be answered. 5 marks
  1. Writing an Analytical Paragraph (100-120 words) on a g i ven Map / Chart / Graph /

Cue/ s .  One out of two questions is to be answered. 5 marks


Section C 40 Marks

  1. Reference to the Context


    1. One extract out of two from Drama / Prose.
  • One extract out of two from poetry. (5+5 = 10 Marks)

Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.

  • Short & Very Long Answer Questions 30 Marks

  • Four out of Five Short Answer Type Questions to be answered in 40-50 words from the book FIRST FLIGHT 4×3=12 marks
  • Two out of Three Short Answer Type Questions to be answered in 40-50 words each from FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET. 2×3=6 marks
  • One out of two Long Answer Type Questions from FIRST FLIGHT to be answered in about 100-120 words each to assess creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across the texts. This can be a passage-based question taken from a situation/plot from the texts. 6 marks
  • One out of two Long Answer Type Questions from FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation beyond the text and inference or character sketch to be answered in about 100-120 words. 6 marks

Prescribed Books: Published by NCERT, New Delhi


First Flight Prose 

  1. A letter to God
  2. Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom
  3. Two Stories About Flying
  4. From the Diary of Anne Frank
  5. Glimpses of India
  6. Mijbil the Otter
  7. Madam Rides the Bus
  8. The Sermon at Benares
  9. The Proposal (Play)


  1. Dust of Snow
  2. Fire and Ice
  3. A tiger in the Zoo
  4. How to Tell Wild Animals
  5. The Ball Poem
  6. Amanda!
  7. The Trees
  8. Fog
  9. The Tale of Custard the Dragon
  10. For Anne Gregory



  1. A triumph of Surgery
  2. The Thief’s Story
  3. The Midnight Visitor
  4. A Question of Trust
  5. Footprints Without Feet
  6. The making of a Scientist
  7. The necklace
  8. Bholi
  9. The Book That Saved the Earth


3. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS – II (WORKBOOK FOR CLASS X) – Units 1 to 4 and Units 7 to 11



Note: Teachers are advised to:


  1. encourage interaction among peers, students and teachers through activities such as roleplay, discussions, group work etc.
  2. reduce teacher-talking time and keep it to the minimum,


  1. take up questions for discussion to encourage pupils to participate and to marshal theirideas and express and defend their views, and
  2. follow the Speaking and Listening activities given in the NCERT books.

Besides measuring learning outcome, texts serve the dual purpose of diagnosing mistakesand areas of non-learning. To make evaluation a true index of learners’ knowledge, each language skill is to be assessed through a judicious mixture of different types of questions.



Guidelines for the Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills are given at Annexure I.


Code no. (184)


CLASS – X (2022-23) Marks 80



Sections Competencies Total marks
Reading Comprehension Conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting and


Writing Skill and Grammar Creative expression of an opinion, reasoning, justifying, illustrating, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency. Applying conventions, using integrated structures

with accuracy and fluency

Language through Literature Recalling, reasoning, appreciating, applying literary conventions illustrating and justifying etc. Extract relevantinformation, identifying the central theme and sub-theme, understanding

the writers’ message and writing fluently.

Total 80



Code no. (184)

CLASS – X (2022-23) Marks 80


Sections Competencies Total marks
Reading Comprehension Conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting and


Writing Skill and Grammar Creative expression of an opinion, reasoning, justifying, illustrating, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency. Applying conventions, using integrated structures

with accuracy and fluency

Language through Literature Recalling, reasoning, appreciating, applying literary conventions illustrating and justifying etc. Extract relevantinformation, identifying the central theme and sub-theme, understanding

the writers’ message and writing fluently.

Total 80


For the details of Internal Assessment of 20 marks, please refer to the circular no.


Acad-11/2019, dated March 06, 2019.

Annexure I


Guidelines for Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills (ALS)

ALS is a component of the Subject Enrichment Activity under Internal Assessment. ALS must be seen as an integrated component of all four language skills rather than a compartment of two. Suggested activities, therefore, take into consideration an integration of the four language skills but during assessment, emphasis will be given to speaking and listening, since reading and writing are already being assessed in the written exam.

Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills: (5 Marks)

  • Activities:
    • Subject teachers must refer to books prescribed in the syllabus.
    • In addition to the above, teachers may plan their own activities and create their own material for assessing the listening and speaking skills.
  1. Parameters for Assessment: The listening and speaking skills are to be assessed on the following parameters:
  1. Interactive competence (Initiation & turn taking, relevance to the topic)
  2. Fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery)
  3. Pronunciation
  4. Language (grammar and vocabulary)


A suggestive rubric is given below:




1.Contributions are mainly unrelated to those of other speakers

  • Shows hardly any initiative in the development of conversation
  • Very limited interaction
  • Insufficient accuracy in pronunciation; many grammatical errors
  • Communication is severely affected


  • Contributions are often unrelated to those of the other speaker
  • Generally passive in the development of conversation
  • Frequently unintelligible articulation
  • Frequent phonological errors
  • Major communication problems


  • Develops interaction adequately, makes however minimal effort to initiate conversation
  • Needs constant prompting to take turns
  • Largely correct pronunciation & clear articulation except occasional errors
  • Some expressions cause stress without compromising with understanding of spoken discourse.

4.Interaction is adequately initiated

and develop

  • Can take turn but needs little prompting
  • Mostly correct pronunciation & clear articulation
  • Can be clearly understood most of the time; very few phonological errors


  • Can initiate & logically develop simple conversation on familiar topics
  • Can take turns appropriately
  • Can pronounce correctly & articulate clearly
  • Is always comprehensible

; uses appropriate intonation


Fluency & 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  • Noticeably/ long pauses; rate of

Speech is slow

  • Usually fluent;

produces simple speech fluently,

  • Is willing to

speak at length,

  • Speaks without

noticeable effort, with a

  • Speaks fluently

almost with no repetition &

Vocabulary & Grammar

  • Frequent repetition and/or self- correction
  • Links only basic sentences; breakdown of coherence evident
  • Demonstrates almost no flexibility, and mostly struggles for appropriate words
  • Uses very basic vocabulary to express view- points.

but loses coherence in complex communication

  • Often hesitates and/or resorts to slow speech
  • Topics partly developed; not always concluded logically
  • Communicates with limited flexibility and appropriacy on some of the topics
  • Complex forms and sentence structures are rare; exhibits limited vocabulary to express new ideas

however repetition is noticeable

  • Hesitates and/or self corrects; occasionally loses coherence
  • Topics mainly developed, but usually not logically concluded
  • Communicate s with limited flexibility

and appropriacy on most of the topics

  • Sometimes uses complex forms and sentence structures; has limited vocabulary to describe/ express new points

little repetition

  • Demonstrates hesitation to find words or use correct grammatical structures and/or self- correction
  • Topics not fully developed to merit
  • Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on most of the topics
  • Demonstrates ability to use complex forms and sentence structures most of the time; expresses with adequate vocabulary

minimal hesitation

  • Develops topic fully & coherently
  • Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on a variety of topics such as family, hobbies, work,

travel and current events

  • Frequently uses complex forms and sentence structures; has enough vocabulary to express himself/ herself.
  • Schedule:
  • The practice of listening and speaking skills should be done throughout the academic year.
  • The final assessment of the skills is to be done as per the convenience and schedule of the school.

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2022-23 English PDF Download (Lan. & Literature)

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2022-23 English Communicative PDF Download

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