cbse improvement exam 2023

CBSE Improvement Exam 2023: Circular, Date, Application Forms Apply

CBSE Improvement Exam 2023: Circular, Date, Application Forms Apply

CBSE Improvement Exam 2023: A Second Chance for Academic Excellence

Introduction of CBSE Improvement Exam 2023: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Improvement Exam is a golden opportunity for students who wish to enhance their academic performance and achieve better results. It offers a second chance for students to reappear in subjects they had previously appeared in, enabling them to improve their scores and secure a brighter future.


The CBSE Improvement Exam for 2023 holds immense significance for students looking to upgrade their marks and increase their chances of pursuing higher education or professional courses.


Understanding the CBSE Improvement Exam 2023:


The CBSE Improvement Exam is an examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education in India. It allows students who have already appeared for the CBSE board exams to reappear in specific subjects of their choice to improve their scores.


This examination offers a valuable opportunity to those who may have not performed up to their potential in the initial attempt or wish to enhance their marks for various reasons.

Eligibility Criteria: CBSE Improvement Exam 2023


To be eligible for the CBSE Improvement Exam, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. The student must have appeared in the CBSE board exams of the previous year.
  2. They can only opt for subjects they have already appeared in during the previous board exams.
  3. The improvement exam can be taken in a maximum of five subjects.

Benefits of CBSE Improvement Exam 2023:


  1. Score Enhancement: The most significant advantage of the CBSE Improvement Exam is the opportunity for students to improve their scores in specific subjects. By focusing on areas that need improvement, students can work towards securing better grades, which can significantly impact their overall academic performance.
  2. Higher Education Opportunities: Many universities and colleges consider the best of the two scores obtained by students in the CBSE board exams and the Improvement Exam. By achieving better grades in the Improvement Exam, students increase their chances of securing admissions to prestigious institutions and courses of their choice.
  3. Competitive Examinations: Entrance exams for various professional courses such as engineering, medical, and law often require minimum qualifying scores. By appearing for the Improvement Exam, students can strive to meet these cutoffs and enhance their chances of securing admission in their desired courses.
  4. Confidence Boost: The Improvement Exam allows students to rectify their mistakes and approach subjects with a fresh perspective. This process can boost their confidence, enabling them to perform better in future examinations and face challenges more effectively.

Preparation Strategies for CBSE Improvement Exam 2023


  1. Identify Weak Areas: Analyze the previous examination’s performance and pinpoint the subjects or topics where improvement is required. Devote extra time to those areas during your preparation.
  2. Create a Study Schedule: Design a study schedule that covers all the subjects you wish to improve in. Allocate dedicated time slots for each subject, allowing sufficient time for revision and practice.
  3. Seek Guidance: Consult subject teachers or academic mentors for guidance and study materials. They can provide valuable insights and suggest effective strategies to improve performance.
  4. Practice Sample Papers: Solve previous year question papers and CBSE sample papers to get familiar with the exam pattern and improve time management skills. This practice will help you understand the type of questions asked and enhance your problem-solving abilities.
  5. Stay Focused and Positive: Maintain a positive mindset throughout the preparation phase. Avoid distractions and stay motivated by setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories along the way.

CBSE Improvement Exam 2023 Circular Official



(Only for Schools in Respect of Regular Students)

Subject:- Online submission of List of Candidates by Schools for Classes X & XII, 2023 Supplementary Examination for 

(A) Compartment (1st chance)

(B) Improvement  of  Performance (Passed  after  replacement  of

subjects in 2023 Main Examinations)

(C) Improvement of Performance in  upto 02 subjects  in  class X

(subject to the condition of a valid combination of subjects as per date sheet) and 01 subject in class XII (Only for candidates who passed in the 2023 Main exams and in the subjects whose list is enclosed in Annexure-5)

(D) Compartment (3rd chance) students can appear only as Private

candidates. (A separate circular for Private candidates has also

been issued and is available at the web link

In  light  of the  recommendations  made  in  NEP-2020,  the  nomenclature  of the Compartment examinations has been changed to Supplementary examinations vide Notification no. CBSE/COORD/EC-Dec-20221ITEM-3.08/2023/e-71926 dated 10 March 2023.

As the Board has declared the results of both Class X & Class XII, the process for submission of LOC for Supplementary Examination, both for Class X and Class XII, for session 2022-23 shall start w.e.f. 01.06.2023 (Thursday). The submission of LOC is to be done through the PARIKSHA SANGAM link htto:// on CBSE Website. Only those students whose name is submitted through the online process shall be allowed to appear for Supplementary Examinations, 2023. The schools will have to use their Affiliation Number as a user ID and the password already available with them for logging in to the system for submission of LOC. The following important information may be read and understood carefully:-

(1) Please note for compliance —

(a) Students who have appeared for the Board’s Examinations for session 2022-23 as regular students from CBSE affiliated schools and whose result has been declared as ‘Compartment’ should approach the school from which they have appeared in 2023 Main Examinations.

(b) Similarly, the schools shall also contact their students placed in the Compartment category and  inform them  about the Supplementary examinations.

(c) Also, the schools shall inform their candidates if declared pass but wish to improve their performances in the 02 subjects in Class X (subject to the condition of a valid combination of subjects as per date sheet) and 01 subject in Class XII.

(d) Schools should  submit LOC  for all  the students  placed  in the Compartment  category  even  if they  are  unable  to  contact the students. Non-submission of the name of the student will cease the opportunity to appear in the Supplementary examinations.

(e) It will be the responsibility of the schools to submit LOC within the stipulated schedule.

(f) No  request for an extension  of the date due to any reason or accepting  any  candidature  after  the  last  date  is  over  will  be considered.

(2) The schools shall submit the names of the students in the LOC for Supplementary

Examinations-2023 as per the conditions of eligibility given in Annexure-I.

(3) It is also informed to the schools that the Students who appeared in session 2021-

22 in full subjects (i.e., 5/6/7 as per the Scheme of Studies) either as regular

students through schools affiliated to the Board or as Private Students, and their

result was declared  as “COMPARTMENT” and they could also not pass in

1st and 2nd Compartment-2022 Exams (1st Chance) and 2023 Examinations (2 Chance), all such students are eligible to apply only as Private Students for 3 and last chance in Supplementary Examinations-2023.

(a) Maximum of three chances are available for a student to pass an examination  if placed  in the Compartment category in the Main examinations.

(b) A  separate  circular  in  this  regard  has  been  issued  and  made

available on the website of CBSE at the web link

(c)  Schools may advise/direct such “Private Students” to apply online directly  through  CBSE’s  website,  whenever  approached.  The schedule for submission of LOC/application forms will be the same for both Regular and Private students.

(4) In case of any difficulty/queries regarding online submission, the IT Branch of the concerned  Regional Offices can be contacted for clarification/assistance. The contact   details   of   the regional offices   are   available   on   the   link

(5) Consolidated mark sheet will be issued only to the students whose result was

declared  COMPARTMENT  in  Board’s  Examinations 2023  and  who  will  be declared as Pass in Supplementary Examinations 2023.

(6) The Supplementary  Examinations-2023 will  be conducted  based on the

Syllabus prescribed for the Board examinations for session 2022-23, which

is available on the CBSE website at the link

(7) The Improvement of Performance can only be done in the subjects given in


(8) The  LOC  may be filled as per the current status of the result of the


(9) The schedule of Supplementary Examinations:-

(a)  Supplementary Examination for class XII will be held on 17 July 2023


(b) Supplementary  Examination  for  class  X  will  start  on 17  July 2023

(Monday). For details, please check the date sheet when released by the CBSE.

(10) The dates for download of Admit Cards will be informed separately. In case of any discrepancy in the Admit card, schools should contact the concerned Regional Office of the Board immediately.


Annexure 1: Eligibility Criteria for Class XII & Class X

Annexure 2: Schedule of Supplementary Examinations — 2023 Annexure 3: Fee Structure for Class XII & Class X Annexure 4: Detailed procedure for submitting online application

Annexure 5:  List  of  Subjects  in  which  the  Supplementary  Examination  will  be conducted.

cbse improvement exam 2023


Regular students who appeared  in  Board’s Examinations 2023 through

schools affiliated to the Board and declared as COMPARTMENT are eligible to apply only in one subject in which they are placed in the Compartment. OR

Regular students who appeared  in  Board’s Examinations 2023 through schools   affiliated   to   the   Board   with 6   subjects   and   placed   in COMPARTMENT in two subjects are eligible to apply in any one of the two subjects in which placed in the Compartment. OR

Regular students who appeared in 6 subjects in Board’s Examinations 2023 and declared PASS but could not clear one subject, can appear in the failed subject under the Improvement of the Performance category only in the subjects whose examinations will be conducted. OR

Regular students who appeared in the Board’s Examinations 2023 and declared PASS can appear in any one subject under the Improvement of the Performance category only in the subjects whose examinations will be conducted.



Regular students who appeared  in Board’s Examinations 2023 through schools affiliated to the Board and declared as COMPARTMENT are eligible to apply in one or two subjects in which placed in the Compartment. OR

Regular students who appeared in  Board’s Examinations 2023 through schools affiliated to the Board with 6/7 subjects and declared PASS due to replacement  of  subject(s)  can  appear  in  that  subject(s)  under  the Improvement  of  Performance  category  only  in  the  subjects  whose examinations  will  be  conducted,  subject  to  the  condition  of  a  valid combination of subjects as per date sheet. OR

Regular students who appeared in the Board’s Examinations 2023 and declared PASS can appear in up to two subjects under the Improvement of the Performance category only in the subjects whose examinations will be conducted, subject to the condition of a valid combination of subjects as per the date sheet.







Fee Slab

India & Nepal Without Late Fee

Rs.300/- Rs.1000/-

With late fee Per subject Per subject


Schools outside India

Rs.2000-Per subject

Schedule for Online submission of LOC

01.6.2023 (Thursday)


15.06.2023 (Thursday)



Schedule for Fee payment

Date of finalization of LOC data + 2 days (as per illustration)

Date of finalization With Late fee

Last date With Late Fee of (Friday)

Rs.2000/- To

(in addition to the Fee prescribed) 17.06.2023


of LOC data + 2 days (as

per illustration)

Visually impaired students of Class =II are exempted from the examination fee. Illustration for calculating Late Fee:

(A) Fee shall be applicable as per fee schedule i.e. the date on which the data is

finalized is taken into account for fee calculation.

(B) If students’ details are entered on or before 15.06.2023 and finalization of data is

done on or before 15.06.2023 and the fee is submitted by 15.06.2023, then NO late fee shall be applicable.

(C) If students’ details are entered on 15.06.2023 and finalization of data is done on

15.06.2023 and the fee is submitted by 17.06.2023, then NO late fee shall be

applicable. If the fee is not submitted by 17.06.2023, the late fee will be applicable.

(D) The last date for submission with a late fee shall be applicable in the same manner.

(E) No application will be allowed after the last date with a late fee or in offline





Fee for all activities is accepted only through digital payments modes as per the below given details by CBSE:-

In India Debit Card / Credit Card I NEFT / RTGS

Foreign Debit Card / Credit Card / SWIFT

Before payment of the fee, schools can take the print of LOC in the form of a checklist. Once the fee is paid, the final LOC will be printed, and no correction could be made in the online or offline mode thereafter.

As SWIFT updation may take 4-5 days, hence, schools situated outside India are advised to complete their process including payment of the fee in such a way that their process is over before the last date.

In case of Bank related transactions or non-updation of Fees on the server, the schools should contact the respective bank through which payment was made. Generally, Bank shall be requiring the following information to resolve the issue of non updation of fees hence, be kept ready before getting in touch with the Bank:-

(i) Mode of Payment

(ii) Fee Reference No.

(iii) Amount deposited

(iv)  Date of deposit

(v) Branch where the amount was deposited

(vi)  Bank reference number (Transaction ID as reflected in Bank account)

(vii) Your contact number





(A) Generate a list of candidates placed in the Compartment from the school login.


(B) Select Roll No. and Subject of the student who wants to appear in the



(C) Finalize the selection and note down the “Application ID” generated.


(D) Make payment Online


(E) Generate a Final list and keep an authenticated copy for school records along

with proof of depositing fee.


CBSE Improvement Exam 2023 Application Form

Schools may advise/direct such “Private Students” to apply online directly  through  CBSE’s  website,  whenever  approached.  The schedule for submission of LOC/application forms will be the same for both Regular and Private students.

(4) In case of any difficulty/queries regarding online submission, the IT Branch of the concerned  Regional Offices can be contacted for clarification/assistance. The contact   details   of   the regional offices   are   available   on   the   link

CBSE Improvement Exam 2023 Date







CBSE Improvement Exam 2023 provides students with an excellent opportunity to enhance their academic performance and pave the way for a successful future. By identifying their weaknesses, formulating effective preparation strategies, and staying committed to their goals, students can maximize their chances of achieving better scores and unlocking new possibilities for higher education and career prospects of board exam.

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