CBSE Class 10th IT 402 Question Bank IT [Information Technology] 2023-24

CBSE Class 10th IT 402 Question Bank IT [Information Technology] 2023-24

CBSE Class 10th IT 402 Question Bank IT [Information Technology] 2023-24

Friends in this article you will know all about CBSE Class 10th IT 402 Question Bank IT [Information Technology] 2023-24 with notes pdf. You can download ans ask queries regarding CBSE Class 10th IT 402 Notes with solution IT [Information Technology] 2023-24.

Sno Question(Digital Documentation)   with Ans

  1. A __ is model that you use to create other documents.
    a. Styles b. Templates c. Wizards d. Sample
    Ans : B
  2. Which of the following styles formats only characters, not paragraph
    a. Paragraph b. Table c. Word d. Character
    Ans: D
    3 Fatima has inserted a picture in a document. But she wants to cut off
    a part of the picture. Which option she should use to accomplish the
    a. Cut b. Copy c. Crop d. Layout
    Ans: C
  3. The documents can be saved by using
    a. Ctrl+S b. File->Save c. File->Save As d. All of these
  4. Which of the following is a set of formats consisting of such things as
    font, color, etc?
    a. Style b. Margin c. Indent d. Leading
  5. The general arrangement of the text in the document is
    a. Margin b. Text-alignment c. Clipboard d. Formatting
  6. Which of the following features merges a letter with multiple
    a. Mail merge b. Merge Mail c. Track changes d. All of these
  7. Which shortcut key is used to align to paragraph in center?
    a. Ctrl+C b. Ctrl+E c. Ctrl+J d. Ctrl+K
  8. What is the shortcut for opening styles and formatting window?
    a. F12 b. F8 c. F11 d. F10
  9. Indexes and Tables option available in _ menu
    a. File b. Edit c. View d. Insert
  10. Mail Merge involves merging of
    a. Two documents b. two mails c. Many documents d. None of
  11. List that contain name, addresses etc which changes in every
    document is called __
    a. Data Source b. Main document c. Main document d. None of
  12. Data source in writer can be created in __
    a. Spreadsheet b. MySQL c. Oracle d. All of these
  13. What is the shortcut to see non-printing characters in Writer?
    a. Ctrl +F11 b. Ctrl +F12 c. Ctrl+ F1 d. Ctrl+F10
  14. Which type of alignment places the text evenly between the left and A
    Question Bank IT 402 TERM 1
    the margins?
    a. Justify b. Even c. Center d. None of these
  15. On Selecting the______, the first character in all words of the
    selected sentence will be converted to capital letters.
    a. Uppercase b. Sentence Case c. Toggle Case d Capitalize each
  16. _ enlarges the first character of a line to on extent that it drop
    down by two or more line.
    a. Wrap text b. Drop text c. word Text d. None of these
    Assertion and Reason Type Question
    In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as
    Assertion (A) and Reason(R). Read the statements and choose the
    correct option.
    a. Both(A) and (R) are true is correct explanation of (A)
    b. Both (A) and (R) are true. But (R) is not correct explanation
    of (A).
    c. (A) is true but (R) is false
    d. (A) is false but (R) is true
  17. Assertion (A): While working on long documents, styles allow us to
    format our document quickly, keeping the formatting consistent.
    Reason (R): The styles group is located on file menu and contains a
    set of quick styles.
  18. Assertion (A): Clip Art is a collection of pictures or images that can
    be imported into a document
    Reason(R): The inserting a clip Art method inserts the image file in
    the word document. To link the file instead of embedding it, hold
    down the Ctrl + Shift keys while dragging the image.
  19. Assertion (A): The data source file contains the information to be
    merged into a document such as the name, address, city, mobile
    number and much more that we want to use in a mail merge.
    Reason(R): The procedure of combining the main document with the
    data source is called formatting, and the final document after
    merging is called the formatting document.
  20. Assertion (A): The mail merge task pane first asks us to specify the
    type of main document we will use for the mail merge.
    Reason(R): Drawing objects are built-in graphics in MS Word. We can
    add a variety of objects to the document, including arrows, callouts,
    squares, stars and flowchart shapes.
    Spread sheet
  21. What is the name of master worksheet where spreadsheet
    summaries all the data?
    a. Insert b, Consolidation c. Data d. reference
  22. Which of the following function returns smallest value?
    a. Max b. Small c. Min d. Smallest
  23. Which of the following is What-If Analysis?
    a. Consolidation b. Data table c. Sub Total d. Solver
  24. Which of the following functions is used to change the data in a
    formula and analyze how it affects the end result?
    a. Goal Seek b. Data Table c. Solver d. Scenario Manager
  25. _ is specifically designed to minimize or maximize the result
    according to set of rules that you define in spreadsheet.
    a. Goal seek b. Scenario c. Solver d. Subtotal
  26. Which of the following refers to cell A3 in sheet3 for creating
    a. Sheet A3 b. Sheet3!A3 c. Sheet3$A3 d. $ Sheet3!A3
  27. Which of following is a spreadsheet software?
    a. Lotus 1-2-3 b. Calc c. Both A and B d. None of these
  28. Subtotal is available in __ menu
    a. Tools b. Format c. Insert d. Data
  29. By default _ sheets are present in spreadsheet.
    a.1 b. 2 c.3 d. 4
  30. Sunman and her friends wants to work together in a spreadsheet.
    They can do so by:
    a. Sharing book
    b. linking workbook
    c. Both of the above
    d. None of these.
  31. Worksheets can be merged from _ menu.
    a. Edit b. File c. View d. Tools
  32. Macros are especially useful to __ task.
    a. Do b. Repeat c. Simplify d. Complicate
  33. In a worksheet you can select
    a.The entire worksheet
    b. Rows c. Column
    d. All of these
  34. Comments put in cells are called:
    a. Smart top b. Cell tip c. Web tip d. Soft tip
  35. Which is used to perform what if analysis?
    a. Solver b. Goal Seek c. Scenario manager d. All of these
  36. Which of the following an absolute cell reference?
    a. D7 b. $D7 c $D$7 d D!7
  37. To copy cell contents using drag and drop , press the:
    a. End Key b. Shift Key c. Esc Key d. none of these
    Assertion and Reason Type Question
    In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as
    Assertion (A) and Reason(R). Read the statements and choose the
    correct option.
    a. Both(A) and (R) are true is correct explanation of (A)
    b. Both (A) and (R) are true. But (R) is not correct
    explanation of (A).
    c. (A) is true but (R) is false
    d. (A) is false but (R) is true
  38. Assertion (A): The data consolidation function takes data from a
    series of worksheets or workbooks and summaries it into a single
    worksheet that can be updated easily.
    Reason(R): The sort option is present on data menu
  39. Assertion (A): We can use what-if analysis tools to estimate our
    monthly saving the meet our retirement goals.
    Reason(R): The what-if analysis is present in the insert menu
  40. Assertion (A) : Click on the record macro option to record a macro
    Reason(R): Spaces are not allowed in macros names.
    Communication Skill
  41. You need to apply for leave at work. Which method of
    communication will you use?
    a. E-mail b. Poster c. Newsletter d. Blog
  42. In Which of the following communication, do we get an instant
    a. Visual Communication b. Written Communication c. Oral
    Communication d. Non verbal Communication
  43. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication within D
    the communication process cycle?
    a. Channel b. Receiver c. Sender d. Time
  44. Which of the following types of feedback provides detailed and
    particular information to the sender?
    a. Non-Specific feedback b. Written feedback c. Oral feedback d.
    Specific feedback
  45. __ Feedback does not include grades, marks or coded symbols.
    a. Specific b. Non- Specific c. Descriptive d. Non- descriptive
  46. Which of the following things makes the feedback effective?
    a. Precision b. Appropriate Language c. Timing d. All of these
  47. __ Feedback gives a vague response to the receiver.
    a. Oral b. Written c. Specific d. Non-Specific
  48. Through which of the following means information may be
    a. Gestures b. Sign c. Symbol d. All of these
  49. Which of the following is/are the principle of effective
    a. Clarity b. Coherence c. correctness d. All of these.
  50. __ is defined as the quality of being open to more than one
    a. Gestures b. Language c. Ambiguity d. Clarity
  51. Which of the following is the most important part of speech?
    A Noun b. Adverb c. Verb d. Adjective
  52. A simple sentence is made up of
    a. One clause b. two clauses c. three clauses d. None of these
    Stress Management Techniques
  53. Which of following statements about stress is/are correct?
    a. It is an emotional and physical damage.
    b. It is caused due to response to pressure from the outside
    c. Stress is inevitable
    d. All of the above
  54. Which of the following is/are the symptoms of stress?
    a. Social isolation b. Fatigue c. Body Ache d. All of these
  55. How yoga an effective tool for stress management?
    a. It encourages good mood b. It gives a healthy dose of self
    compassion. C. Both A and B d. None of the above
  56. What causes stress/
    a. Work load b. family pressure c. Deadline d. all of the above
    Assertion and Reason Type Question
    In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as
    Assertion (A) and Reason(R). Read the statements and choose the
    correct option.
    a. Both(A) and (R) are true is correct explanation of (A)
    b. Both (A) and (R) are true. But (R) is not correct
    explanation of (A).
    c. (A) is true but (R) is false
    d. (A) is false but (R) is true
    5 Assertion (A): The power of positive imagery and affirmations
    scientifically increase positive emotion.
    Reason(R): Resiliency is our ability to bounce back from stressful or
    negative experiences.
  57. Assertion (A): stress is the emotional and physical damage usually
    due to our response to pressure from the outside world.
    Reason(R): Environmental stress is a response to happenings around
    us that cause stress , such as noise, pollution crowding, pressure of
    work, family tensions etc.
    Importance of working independently
    1 Which of the following is/are important skills/
    a. Self awareness b. Self regulation c. Self motivation d. All of
  58. Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year.
    What type of motivation is this?
    a. Internal b. External c. Both A and B d. None of these
  59. Which of the following skill is important for reliable emotional
    a. Self awareness b. Self Motivation c. Self regulation d. Self
  60. How can one become independent?
    a. By self awareness
    b. B. By self Motivation
    c. Both A and B
    d. None of these
    Assertion and Reason Type Question
    In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as
    Assertion (A) and Reason(R). Read the statements and choose the
    correct option.
    a. Both(A) and (R) are true is correct explanation of (A)
    b. Both (A) and (R) are true. But (R) is not correct
    explanation of (A).
    c. (A) is true but (R) is false
    d. (A) is false but (R) is true
  61. Assertion (A): Working alone will make a person more creative,
    independent and mature. One will learn to take risks and gradually
    learn to take appropriate decisions.
    Reason(R) : Self-regulation means having a clear perception of your
    personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs,
    motivation and emotions.
  62. How many types of user interfaces are there?
    a. Three b. One c. two d. Four
  63. Which type of user interface requires a mouse?
    a. CUI b. GUI c. Both a and b d. None of these
  64. Which of the following is an example of an operating system?
    a. Linux b. paint c. Java d. Ms-Office
  65. Which of the following OS is developed by Indian Govt.
    a. Unix b. BOSS c. Windows 7 d. Android
  66. _ shortcut key of delete a file permanently
    a. Shift+Del b. Ctrl+Del c. Ctrl +X d. Ctrl +K
  67. Which is not an application software?
    a. Windows NT b. page Maker c. Windows XP d. Photoshop
  68. Which of the following does not support more than one program at
    a time
    a. DOS b. Linux c. Windows d. Oracle
  69. Duplication of data is known as A
    a) Data Redundancy
    b) Data Repentance
    c) Data Inconsistency
    d) None of these
  70. Multiple copies of same data that mismatch, are known as C
    a) Data Redundancy
    b) Data Repentance
    c) Data Inconsistency
    d) None of these
  71. As storage container storing data pertaining to simple object, subject
    or purpose is known as
    a. Table
    b. Query
    c. Report
    d. Form
  72. A field that uniquely identifies record in the table is known as A
    a. Primary key
    b. Candidate key
    c. Unique key
    d. Special key
  73. A statement that gives you filtered data according to your conditions
    and specifications, is called
    a. Table
    b. Query
    c. Report
    d. Form

CBSE Class 10th IT 402 Question Bank Notes IT [Information Technology] 2023-24 Download PDF

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