CBSE Teacher Training Session with Microsoft for Computer Teachers 2023

CBSE Teacher Training Session with Microsoft for Computer Teachers 2023

CBSE Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft for IT, Computer Teachers 2023

This is in continuation with CBSE Circular No. 09 dated 16.01.2023 regarding teacher training sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft on exposure to curriculum of Coding and Data Science and other topics.
In this regard, the next batches of their training sessions will be held from 1st May 2023 onwards, as per the following details:

All the details of training like TOPIC, Mode of training, Dates for Training, Details of
sessions and Registration links, Dates for
Training, Details of sessions and Registration links.

  1. Exposure to Curriculum
    of Coding
    01/05/23 to
    09/05/23 Annexure A
    01/06/23 to
    09/06/23 Annexure H
  2. Exposure to Curriculum
    of Data Science
    02/05/23 to
    09/05/23 Annexure B
    01/06/23 to
    08/06/23 Annexure I
  3. Building 21st CLD Skills &
    Enhancing Reading
    08/05/23 to
    13/05/23 Annexure C
    12/06/23 to
    17/06/23 Annexure J
  4. Leveraging AI tools for
    classroom learning
    15/05/23 to
    17/05/23 Annexure D
    19/06/23 to
    21/06/23 Annexure K
  5. Modern Workplace
    Program for Educators
    Hybrid 18/05/23 Annexure E 22/06/23 Annexure L
  6. Accessibility and Special
    Hybrid 19/05/23 Annexure F 23/06/23 Annexure M
  7. Hybrid Learning Hybrid 20/05/23 Annexure G 24/06/23 Annexure N

All IT, Python, CBSE Training 2023 pdf

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