CBSE Guidelines for the TERM – 1 Theory & Practical Examination 2021-22 for Class 10, 12

Guidelines for the conduct of TERM – 1 Theory & Practical Examination for Classes 10 and 12 Session 2021-22

Cbse exam 21 22 term 1 news
Cbse exam 2021 22

Special Scheme Of Assessment

The Board will conduct examinations at the
end of each term on the basis of the bifurcated syllabus.
Detailed syllabus of both the terms available at
Academic Session (2021- 22)
(approximately 50% syllabus)-
( till 15 November, 2021)

(approximately 50% syllabus) –( March/April, 2022).
Regional/Skill Subjects exam will start w.e.f. 15/11/2021
(114 for class XII and 75 for class X)
Major Subjects exam from 24/11/2021.

TERM – 1 Examination for Classes X-XII
Datasheet of examination of both Class-X and Class- XII
will be issued on 18 -10-2021

Details regarding the Major and Minor subjects available at
CBSE/CE/EXAM-2021-22/ dated 14 -10-2021

Regarding minor subjects, CBSE will make group of
schools offering these subjects and thus more than
one paper would be conducted by CBSE in the
schools on a day All examination will be conducted
in offline mode
TERM – 1 Examination for Classes X-XII

OMR sheets will be available on CLOUD & to be downloaded from there. Exam Centre – Own school Encrypted Question Papers will be sent to school in log
in ID /Exam Centre in the morning.
Exam duration
Writing Time :90 minutes
Reading Time: 20 minutes

MCQ type questions in Term-I. Each question will carry
equal marks and candidate will get options. Question paper to be printed in school
only All the facilities and exemptions as provided earlier
for CWSN will continue in these examinations also
CBSE will conduct workshops for Observers and City
Coordinators on downloading OMR and appointment of
evaluators As per Covid-19 protocols, 12 students
seating arrangement is to be done in one room.

Centre having strength of 500 students – One Observer
more than 500 students – Two Observers will be present in the school from 7:30 am – 5 :00 pm

It is compulsory for the students of
Classes X and XII to appear in Term1 exam to be conducted by CBSE.

Marks of this exam will be considered by CBSE at the time of
declaration of CBSE class X and XII Final results in April/May.

The candidate’s final score of marks will be calculated on the basis of his performance in
both Term-I & Term-II.

City Coordinator will appoint
observer & change observer in
between as per need/request.

No student will be put in Pass ,
Compartment or Essential Repeat
category after Term -1 Examination.

After conduct of Term-1 Examination result will be declared in the form of
marks scored.

Answer key will be available by
01:30 p.m., teachers of any subject
can check the OMR Sheet.
Evaluation by teachers will start on the same day, The evaluator has to only upload no. of correct

For eg: if 20 answers are
correct evaluator will
write /upload only 20.
Calculation of marks will
be done by CBSE

All details of the students will be
already filled in the OMR sheets.
Only Question paper set has to be
filled in by the students.
Evaluation Timing : (01:40 – 04:00 p.m.)

Evaluation will be done in
the center of exam & OMR
sheets are to be sent to
CBSE by 05:00 p.m. the
same day.

Five circles will be provided in the OMR sheet students should write the correct option -a,b etc and then
darken the oval also.
For eg: if ‘a’ is the correct option the student will write ‘a’ and
darken the oval for ‘a’ also.
Hand written answer will
be final in case the answer
does not tally with the
darkened circle.

If 20 questions are to be attempted
out of 25 , student will completely
strike off by putting a line on the
unattempted 5 questions.

Practical exam Term-II will be
conducted by CBSE Term-I will be
conducted by schools.

Subjects with theory of 80 marks (For All Major Subjects)
10 marks for each term
Total – 20 marks
Tests (3 marks)
3 Periodic Tests in
each subject in the
year( schools can
conduct 1 in Term
I and 2 in Term II
or vice versa
(2 marks)

Multiple assessments embedded
in classroom pedagogy may
include Role Play/ Quiz/ GD/
Concept Map/ Blog/ Recitation/
Debate/Skit/ Art & Sport
Integrated Activity etc.
(3 marks)

activities to include ASL/
practical work/ art
integrated learning project
(2 marks)
to be maintained in
two terms.

Art Integrated project will continue as per the guidelines given in the Circular no. Acad 33/2020 dated 14 May 2020.
Classes IX-X:
Subjects with theory of 70 marks
Home Science (064)
Elements of Business (154)
Elements of Book-keeping and Accountancy (254)
15 marks for each term
Total – 30 marks
Subjects with theory of 50 marks
Computer Application (165)
25 marks for each term
Total – 50 marks
For details, refer to

Subjects with theory of 30 marks
Hindustani Music (Melodic) (035)
2. Hindustani Music (Vocal) (034)
3. Hindustani Music (Percussion) (036)
4. Carnatic Music (Melodic) (032)
5. Carnatic Music (Vocal) (031)
6. Carnatic Music (Percussion) (033)
7. Painting (049)
35 marks for each term
Total – 70 marks
Subjects with multiple practical components
Subjects with Internal Assessment/ Practical of 20 marks:
Mathematics (241)

Term I
Project Work: 05 Marks
Term End Presentation/
viva: 05 Marks

Term II
Performance of
Practical & Record: 05
Term End Test of One
Practical + Viva: 05
Mathematics (041)
Term I & Term II
Periodic Test: 05 Marks
Activity File Record + Term End
Assessment of one activity
viva: 05 Marks
Classes XI-XII
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Psychology, Geography,
Computer Science, Physical Education)
Classes XI-XII
Practical work(30 Marks)
Term I Term II
A 15-mark Practical (as detailed in the curriculum)
would be conducted under the supervision of subject
teacher/ internal examiner.

In case the situation of lockdown continues until NovDec 2021, a pen and paper assessment on the basis
of syllabus for practical for the first term carrying a
weightage of 15 marks would be conducted at the end
of Term I at the school level and marks would be
submitted by the schools to the Board.

A 15-mark Practical would be conducted
under the joint supervision of Board appointed
external and internal examiners.

In case the situation of lockdown continues
beyond December 2021, a pen and paper
assessment on the basis of syllabus for
practical for the second term carrying a
weightage of 10 marks and Viva for 5 marks
would be conducted at the end of Term II
jointly by the external and internal examiners
and marks would be submitted by the schools
to the Board

There would be only ONE project
for the session. The project work
would be divided into two parts i.e.
• Term I (10 marks)
• Term II (10 marks)
Subjects with Project Work
(Economics, Business Studies,
Accountancy, History, Political Science,
Sociology, Legal Studies)
20 marks 30 marks

There would be only ONE
project for the session. The
project work would be divided
into two parts i.e.
• Term I (15 marks)
• Term II (15 marks)
Classes XI-XII
Subjects with Assessments of Listening and Speaking Skills
(All Languages)
Listening and
Term I

Scenario I: if it is possible to conduct in-person assessment
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills (10 marks) will
be done in person by internal examiner.

Scenario-II If schools remain closed
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills (10 marks) will
be done online by internal examiner.

Term II
Assessment of Project and Viva based on the project work
will be jointly done by external examiner and Internal
Examiner. (10 marks)
Project can be in the form of a neighbourhood survey/Role
play performance (individual/group) etc. (Online or inperson as situation allows).

Students shall submit a project report (5 marks) and Viva
voce (5 marks) shall be conducted by external examiner..
Classes XI-XII
Other Subjects
Term I and II: Internal cum Practical work of 35 marks in
each Term
In both the terms, practical will be conducted either
online or in-person, (if situation allows), jointly by
external and internal examiners.
Classes 10, 12.

  1. Download full guidance pdf…
  2. Download from here

  3. For class 10 and 12
  4. For term 1 and term 2

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